This project addresses challenges in the copper industry related to sales and lead classification. The dataset undergoes preprocessing, including handling skewness, outliers, and cleaning. Two machine learning models are implemented: a regression model predicting 'Selling_Price' and a classification model predicting 'Status' (WON or LOST). A Streamlit GUI is created for user interaction, allowing input of values for prediction.
The copper industry faces issues with manual predictions due to skewed and noisy data. A regression model is implemented to predict 'Selling_Price', and a classification model predicts 'Status' (WON/LOST). The project involves data exploration, preprocessing, EDA, feature engineering, model building, and evaluation.
Data Understanding:
- Identify variable types and distributions.
- Treat 'Material_Reference' values starting with '00000' as null.
- Treat reference columns as categorical variables.
- Remove the 'ID' column as it may not be useful.
Data Preprocessing:
- Treat outliers using IQR.
- Identify and treat skewness using log transformation or other techniques.
- Encode categorical variables using suitable techniques.
EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis):
- Visualize outliers and skewness using Seaborn's plots.
- Use boxplot, distplot, and violinplot for visualization.
Feature Engineering:
- Create new features if applicable.
- Drop highly correlated columns using a heatmap.
Model Building and Evaluation:
- Split the dataset into training and testing sets.
- Train and evaluate regression and classification models.
- Use metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score, and AUC curve.
- Optimize model hyperparameters using cross-validation and grid search.
Model GUI (Streamlit):
- Create an interactive page with task input (Regression or Classification).
- Enter values for each column except 'Selling_Price' for regression and 'Status' for classification.
- Predict new data from Streamlit and display the output.
Link: Visit the link to see the project video
: Main Python script containing the Streamlit application.Copper_Cleaned.csv
: Cleaned dataset used for modeling.regression_model.joblib
: Joblib file containing the trained regression model.classification_model.joblib
: Joblib file containing the trained classification model.Copper_Set.xlsx
: Original dataset used for preprocessing.Data Preprocessing.ipynb
: Data Preprocessing steps performed in a notebook.Model Building - Regression or Classification
: Model Building steps performed for finding best model.
- Install required libraries:
pip install streamlit pandas scikit-learn joblib
. - Run the Streamlit application:
streamlit run
. - Choose between 'Home' and 'ML Prediction' in the sidebar.
- For 'ML Prediction,' select the model type (Regression or Classification).
- Input values in the Streamlit GUI and click 'Submit' for predictions.
- Streamlit
- Pandas
- Scikit-Learn
- Seaborn
- Data Wrangling
Feel free to contribute, report issues, or suggest improvements!