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What is Kong OIDC plugin

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kong-oidc is a plugin for Kong implementing the OpenID Connect Relying Party (RP) functionality.

It authenticates users against an OpenID Connect Provider using OpenID Connect Discovery and the Basic Client Profile (i.e. the Authorization Code flow).

It maintains sessions for authenticated users by leveraging lua-resty-openidc thus offering a configurable choice between storing the session state in a client-side browser cookie or use in of the server-side storage mechanisms shared-memory|memcache|redis.

It supports server-wide caching of resolved Discovery documents and validated Access Tokens.

It can be used as a reverse proxy terminating OAuth/OpenID Connect in front of an origin server so that the origin server/services can be protected with the relevant standards without implementing those on the server itself.

Introspection functionality add capability for already authenticated users and/or applications that already posses acces token to go through kong. The actual token verification is then done by Resource Server.

Use Cases

The following are ways in which this plugin can be utilized:

  1. Authorization Code Flow (reverse proxy terminating OAuth/OpenID Connect)
  • This use case is useful for fully managed sessions from the API Gateway.
  • all unauthenticated requests will be redirected to the configured IDP
    • unless config.force_authentication_path is used, see Parameters
  • the IDP authentication will be managed by this plugin
    • the caller will not have to manage its own access token
  1. Introspection
  • This use case is useful for third party integrations where the callers are able to retrieve their own access token.
  • By default, all requests are NOT required to contain a valid access token in the Authorization header.

How does it work

The diagram below shows the message exchange between the involved parties.

alt Kong OIDC flow

For security purposes the following headers are stripped at the beginning of this plugins execution:

  • X-Access-Token
  • X-ID-Token
  • X-Userinfo

These headers will only be appended to the requests if the user is authenticated or has a valid session.

The X-Userinfo header contains the payload from the Userinfo Endpoint

X-Userinfo: {"preferred_username":"alice","id":"60f65308-3510-40ca-83f0-e9c0151cc680","sub":"60f65308-3510-40ca-83f0-e9c0151cc680"}

The plugin also sets the ngx.ctx.authenticated_consumer variable, which can be using in other Kong plugins:

ngx.ctx.authenticated_consumer = {
    id = "60f65308-3510-40ca-83f0-e9c0151cc680",   -- sub field from Userinfo
    username = "alice"                             -- preferred_username from Userinfo

Tokens and Userinfo

The X-Access-Token is the Access Token retreived from the configured IDP. An Access Token is usually a short-lived token. Additional info regarding access tokens can be found here.

The X-ID-Token is the ID Token retrieved from the configured IDP.

ID Tokens vs Access Tokens

The X-userinfo as described above is the payload of the Userinfo Endpoint. Per the documentation spec, it returns the Claims about the authenticated End-User. (see Standard Claims)

Note the plugin currently adds 3 non-standard properties to userinfo response:

  • iat - set to ngx.time(), elapsed seconds from the epoch for the current time stamp
    • This property provides the upstream service with ability to determine if userinfo is cached response or not.
  • id - set to the userinfo.sub
  • username - set to the userinfo.preferred_username

XMLHttp/Ajax Requests

XMLHttpRequests made by client-side code (i.e ajax) should include the X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest header. 302 Redirects are replaced with 401 Unauthorized HTTP responses when this header is present AND the user is unauthenticated.


302 redirects are followed transparently via XMLHttpRequests (xhr/ajax requests) thus there is nothing the client side can do to detect if a 302 happened. Returning a status code of 401 allows the client to respond to the request accordingly.

The response body of this 401 is as follows:


Currently we do NOT have access to the redirect url that lua-resty-openidc would normally generate thus we only respond with the above body. When lua-resty-openidc exposes the method generating the authorization code path uri then we change the http response body the following:



kong-oidc depends on the following package:


If you're using luarocks execute the following:

 luarocks install kong-oidc

You also need to set the KONG_PLUGINS environment variable

 export KONG_PLUGINS=oidc


This plugin and lua-resty-openidc luarocks package utilizes the http lua_shared_dict directive for caching. Thus to utilize this plugin effectively, please review the following sample configurations for nginx:

For full support and functionality you should have a lua_shared_dict with the following names:

  • introspection
  • discovery
  • jwks
  • userinfo



Parameter Default Required description
name true plugin name, has to be oidc
config.client_id true OIDC Client ID
config.client_secret true OIDC Client secret
config.discovery https://.well-known/openid-configuration true OIDC Discovery Endpoint (/.well-known/openid-configuration)
config.discovery_override false This is a map type with multiple properties. See Discovery Override below.
config.scope openid false OAuth2 Token scope. To use OIDC it has to contains the openid scope. Note if using refresh_token grant then include offline_access as a scope.
config.ssl_verify false false Enable SSL verification to OIDC Provider
config.session_secret false Additional parameter, which is used to encrypt the session cookie. Needs to be random
config.access_token_expires_leeway 0 false Configures when the renewal of access token will occur. Setting this makes the renewal happen X seconds before token expiration
config.introspection_endpoint_auth_method client_secret_basic false Token introspection auth method. resty-openidc supports `client_secret_(basic
config.introspection_expiry_claim false Claim name that will be checked to determine cache ttl
config.introspection_cache_ignore false false Forces cache to NOT be used
config.introspection_interval false TTL that can be used to overwrite token expiry_claim ttl (will only be used if shorter then expiry_claim)
config.userinfo_interval TTL for cache specifically designated for userinfo endpoint responses. userinfo is called for both authorization code flow and introspection (see Use Cases). introspection_interval takes priority over this value, if both are designated.
config.timeout false OIDC endpoint calls timeout
config.bearer_only no false Only introspect tokens without redirecting
config.realm kong false Realm used in WWW-Authenticate response header
config.logout_path /logout false Absolute path used to logout from the OIDC RP
config.redirect_uri true URI (absolute, e.g. to which authorization code is sent back from OIDC Provider
config.prompt false Valid values include none, login, consent and/or select_account. Note if using refresh_token grant then consent is required. See
config.session { cookie = { samesite = 'Lax' }} false See OIDC Session Config
config.force_authentication_path false See force_authentication_path Parameter

Discovery Override

The following properties should be used if the Discovery Endpoint of the OIDC IDP is not available and/or known.

The descriptions for the following parameters were referenced from the following websites:

  • IdentityServer4
    • Note: this is not the standard creator for OIDC but does provide valid descriptions and detail regarding purpose of endpoints.
Parameter Required Description
config.discovery.authorization_endpoint true URL of the OP's OAuth 2.0 Authorization Endpoint.
config.discovery.token_endpoint true URL of the OP's OAuth 2.0 Token Endpoint. This is REQUIRED unless only the Implicit Flow is used.
config.discovery.userinfo_endpoint true RECOMMENDED. URL of the OP's UserInfo Endpoint. This URL MUST use the https scheme and MAY contain port, path, and query parameter components.
config.discovery.jwks_uri true REQUIRED. URL of the OP's JSON Web Key Set document. This contains the signing key(s) the RP uses to validate signatures from the OP. The JWK Set MAY also contain the Server's encryption key(s), which are used by RPs to encrypt requests to the Server. When both signing and encryption keys are made available, a use (Key Use) parameter value is REQUIRED for all keys in the referenced JWK Set to indicate each key's intended usage. Although some algorithms allow the same key to be used for both signatures and encryption, doing so is NOT RECOMMENDED, as it is less secure. The JWK x5c parameter MAY be used to provide X.509 representations of keys provided. When used, the bare key values MUST still be present and MUST match those in the certificate.
config.discovery.revocation_endpoint true This endpoint allows revoking access tokens (reference tokens only) and refresh token.
config.discovery.issuer true REQUIRED. URL using the https scheme with no query or fragment component that the OP asserts as its Issuer Identifier. If Issuer discovery is supported, this value MUST be identical to the issuer value returned by WebFinger. This also MUST be identical to the iss Claim value in ID Tokens issued from this Issuer.
config.discovery.introspection_endpoint false It can be used to validate reference tokens (or JWTs if the consumer does not have support for appropriate JWT or cryptographic libraries).
config.discovery.end_session_endpoint false The end session endpoint can be used to trigger single sign-out.

OIDC Session Config

This section details the supported configuration options for the OIDC session.

Note: the following parameter is NOT a flat configuration object (i.e YAML structure will need to be followed).

For example:

      samesite: 'Strict'

The following table documents the supported properties. If a non-supported property is supplied Kong will throw an error.

These properties are provided to session.start(opts), for more information on the options see lua-resty-session.

Parameter Required Default Description
config.session.cookie.samesite false Lax Determines the value of the cookie SameSite flag.
Why does kong-oidc use a session?

kong-oidc uses a resty library called lua-resty-openidc (see Dependencies). This library uses a session for storing various values during the authentication process for the Authorization Code Flow. These values include the following:

  • original_url - Kong needs to remember after it authenticates you, where your original request was supposed to go.
  • state - CSRF/XSRF mitigation
  • nonce - Replay attack mitigation
  • last_authenticated - used for silent reauthentication

force_authentication_path Parameter

By default, the kong oidc plugin prevents unauthenticated requests from reaching the upstream api. When the force_authentication_path parameter is set, the behavior is changed.

Setting the force_authentication_path parameter changes the plugin behavior to allow unauthenticated request to reach the upstream API. Unauthenticated requests will be proxied without x-userinfo headers. Authenticated requests will be proxied with x-userinfo.

The force_authentication_path variable should be a string relative url path value (e.g /api/auth/login). When a request is made to the defined path if the user is unauthenticated then the plugin will respond with a 302 HTTP status code to redirect the user to the IDP login page (authentication code flow).

The following diagram illustrates how the behavior of kong-oidc plugin when the parameter force_authentication_path is set.

alt Kong OIDC force authentication path


To enable the plugin only for one API:

POST /apis/<api_id>/plugins/ HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8001
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Cache-Control: no-cache


To enable the plugin globally:

POST /plugins HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8001
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Cache-Control: no-cache


A successful response:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2017 19:37:38 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Server: kong/0.11.0

    "created_at": 1508871239797,
    "config": {
        "response_type": "code",
        "client_id": "kong-oidc",
        "discovery": "https://<oidc_provider>/.well-known/openid-configuration",
        "scope": "openid",
        "ssl_verify": "no",
        "client_secret": "29d98bf7-168c-4874-b8e9-9ba5e7382fa0",
        "token_endpoint_auth_method": "client_secret_post"
    "id": "58cc119b-e5d0-4908-8929-7d6ed73cb7de",
    "enabled": true,
    "name": "oidc",
    "api_id": "32625081-c712-4c46-b16a-5d6d9081f85f"

Upstream API request

The plugin adds an additional X-Userinfo, X-Access-Token and X-Id-Token headers to the upstream request, which can be consumer by upstream server. Note if these headers were present in the request prior to the execution of this plugin, then they will be removed/overwritten. All of them are base64 encoded:

GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: netcat:9000
Connection: keep-alive
X-Forwarded-Proto: http
X-Forwarded-Host: localhost
X-Forwarded-Port: 8000
Cache-Control: max-age=0
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/61.0.3163.100 Safari/537.36
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: pl-PL,pl;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.6,en;q=0.4
Cookie: session=KOn1am4mhQLKazlCA.....
X-Userinfo: eyJnaXZlbl9uYW1lIjoixITEmMWaw5PFgcW7xbnEhiIsInN1YiI6ImM4NThiYzAxLTBiM2ItNDQzNy1hMGVlLWE1ZTY0ODkwMDE5ZCIsInByZWZlcnJlZF91c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluIiwibmFtZSI6IsSExJjFmsOTxYHFu8W5xIYiLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluIiwiaWQiOiJjODU4YmMwMS0wYjNiLTQ0MzctYTBlZS1hNWU2NDg5MDAxOWQifQ==
X-Access-Token: eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgOiAiSldUIiwia2lkIiA6ICJGenFSY0N1Ry13dzlrQUJBVng1ZG9sT2ZwTFhBNWZiRGFlVDRiemtnSzZRIn0.eyJqdGkiOiIxYjhmYzlkMC1jMjlmLTQwY2ItYWM4OC1kNzMyY2FkODcxY2IiLCJleHAiOjE1NDg1MTA4MjksIm5iZiI6MCwiaWF0IjoxNTQ4NTEwNzY5LCJpc3MiOiJodHRwOi8vMTkyLjE2OC4wLjk6ODA4MC9hdXRoL3JlYWxtcy9tYXN0ZXIiLCJhdWQiOlsibWFzdGVyLXJlYWxtIiwiYWNjb3VudCJdLCJzdWIiOiJhNmE3OGQ5MS01NDk0LTRjZTMtOTU1NS04NzhhMTg1Y2E0YjkiLCJ0eXAiOiJCZWFyZXIiLCJhenAiOiJrb25nIiwibm9uY2UiOiJmNGRkNDU2YzBjZTY4ZmFmYWJmNGY4ZDA3YjQ0YWE4NiIsImF1dGhfdGltZSI6…IiwibWFuYWdlLWFjY291bnQtbGlua3MiLCJ2aWV3LXByb2ZpbGUiXX19LCJzY29wZSI6Im9wZW5pZCBwcm9maWxlIGVtYWlsIiwiZW1haWxfdmVyaWZpZWQiOmZhbHNlLCJwcmVmZXJyZWRfdXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbiJ9.GWuguFjSEDGxw_vbD04UMKxtai15BE2lwBO0YkSzp-NKZ2SxAzl0nyhZxpP0VTzk712nQ8f_If5-mQBf_rqEVnOraDmX5NOXP0B8AoaS1jsdq4EomrhZGqlWmuaV71Cnqrw66iaouBR_6Q0s8bgc1FpCPyACM4VWs57CBdTrAZ2iv8dau5ODkbEvSgIgoLgBbUvjRKz1H0KyeBcXlVSgHJ_2zB9q2HvidBsQEIwTP8sWc6er-5AltLbV8ceBg5OaZ4xHoramMoz2xW-ttjIujS382QQn3iekNByb62O2cssTP3UYC747ehXReCrNZmDA6ecdnv8vOfIem3xNEnEmQw
X-Id-Token: eyJuYmYiOjAsImF6cCI6ImtvbmciLCJpYXQiOjE1NDg1MTA3NjksImlzcyI6Imh0dHA6XC9cLzE5Mi4xNjguMC45OjgwODBcL2F1dGhcL3JlYWxtc1wvbWFzdGVyIiwiYXVkIjoia29uZyIsIm5vbmNlIjoiZjRkZDQ1NmMwY2U2OGZhZmFiZjRmOGQwN2I0NGFhODYiLCJwcmVmZXJyZWRfdXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbiIsImF1dGhfdGltZSI6MTU0ODUxMDY5NywiYWNyIjoiMSIsInNlc3Npb25fc3RhdGUiOiJiNDZmODU2Ny0zODA3LTQ0YmMtYmU1Mi1iMTNiNWQzODI5MTQiLCJleHAiOjE1NDg1MTA4MjksImVtYWlsX3ZlcmlmaWVkIjpmYWxzZSwianRpIjoiMjI1ZDRhNDItM2Y3ZC00Y2I2LTkxMmMtOGNkYzM0Y2JiNTk2Iiwic3ViIjoiYTZhNzhkOTEtNTQ5NC00Y2UzLTk1NTUtODc4YTE4NWNhNGI5IiwidHlwIjoiSUQifQ==


The following references are useful to those that are new to kong plugin development:

Running Unit Tests

To run unit tests, run the following command:


This may take a while for the first run, as the docker image will need to be built, but subsequent runs will be quick.

Building the Integration Test Environment

To build the integration environment (Kong with the oidc plugin enabled, and Keycloak as the OIDC Provider), you will first need to find your computer's IP, and assign that to the environment variable IP. Finally, you will run the ./bin/ command. Here's an example:

export IP=

To tear the environment down:



Supporting Multiple IDPS

The following is pseudocode/pseudo-schema for the ability to handle mutiple identity providers:

    - name: oidc
        logout_path: /echo_service/api/logout
        redirect_uri: http://localhost:8000/echo_service/api/custom-oidc-cb
        redirect_after_logout_uri: http://localhost:8000/echo_service/public/logout
        idp_host_header_prop: sky_host

            introspection_endpoint_auth_method: client_secret_post
            scope: "openid offline_access"
            prompt: consent
            token_endpoint_auth_method: client_secret_post
            client_id: foo
            client_secret: bar
            - protocol: https
            - port: 9002
            - path: .well-known/openid-configuration
            # - uri: http://custom-oidc:9002/.well-known/openid-configuration


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