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You've been in a car accident and need to make a claim. The following project helps you understand the process used by FSRA, the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario, and lead you to the best possible outcome through the use of a hyperledger fabric approach.


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Hyperledger Car Insurance


fabric-contract-api npm module fabric-shim-api npm module

State machine for a car accident insurance claim

Finite-State Machine

  • Mathematical model of computation
  • An abstract machine that can be in only one of a finite number of states at one time.
  • It can move from one state to another based on inputs
  • Changing a state is called a transition
  • An example of a state machine in use is a traffic light


  • States are used to represent a step in a process
  • The state you are in may be dictated by data
    • Time in state
    • Balance of account
    • Measurement input
  • The state can be read or changed


Identifying the State Data

  • For user in Hyperledger Fabric the state can be represented using state data
  • It's recommended a variable called state
  • The data that controls the state can be stored along with it

State data

  • States: [ "No Accident", "Accident Reported", "Awaiting Determine Fault", "Revise Fault", "Repair or Refund", "Police", "Accident Benefits Application Package", "MVACF", "Exclusion", "Complaint Officer", "In Dispute", ];
  • State: 0

Identifying the Transition Functions

Transitions are actions that change a state machine from one state to another

  • Transitions are triggered by inputs
    • Clock hits a certain time
    • User presses a button
    • Action takes place
  • The transition may have conditions that the inputs need to exceed a threshold to move to another state.
    • Must get colder than 0c to freeze
    • Must deposit $50 to no longer have bank account in overdraft
  • A state can have zero, one or many transitions to other states


// File Accident Report

// Fill in Proof of Loss Form

// Determine amount to be covered

// Agree with Insurance Co

// Disagree with insurance company

// Report that you are victim of a scam or fraud

// Apply for Accident benefits

// Make a claim to MVACF

// Deny Payment

// Still Disagree

// Apply to AABS
  • FillInContract(Name, Address)
  • SubmitContract(Name)
  • Incomplete(Name)
  • Rejected(Name)
  • Approved(Name, Phone)


  • CheckContract(Name, Credit, Phone)
  • CheckStatus(Name)

Identify the Roles

  • A role is a position that someone holds in a process
    • User, Administrator, Buyer, Seller, Adjudicator, System
  • You may limit who can execute certain transitions based on roles


  • FillInContract(Name, Address) - buyer
  • SubmitContract(Name) - sales agent
  • CheckContract(Name, Credit, Phone) - system/manager
  • Incomplete(Name) - system
  • Rejected(Name) - system
  • Approved(Name, Phone) - system
  • CheckStatus(Name) - buyer/sales agent/system/manager

Physical Asset in the Network

  • Insurance Claim

Possible attributes associated with the Asset

Field Type Description
policyNumber String Number of the policy
claimStatus State or Number Actual status of the process
carInfo.make String Make of the car
carInfo.model String Model of the car
carInfo.year String Year of the car
carInfo.registration String Registration number of the car
carInfo.licensePlateNumber String Licence plate number of the car String Name of the driver
driverInfo.licenseNumber String or null License number of the driver
driverInfo.insuranceCompanyName String Name of driver's insurance company String Name of the officer
investigationOfficer.badgeNumber String Number of officer's badge
date Date Date of the event
location String Location of the event
passengerCount Number Number of passenger
injuryDetails String Details of the injury
vehicleDamageDetails String Details of the vehicle's damage
driverDescriptionOfAccident [String] or null Driver's drecription of the accident

Model definition for the asset

const insuraceClaimModal = {
  policyNumber: String,
  claimStatus: State || Number,
  carInfo: {
    make: String,
    model: String,
    year: String,
    registration: String,
    licensePlateNumber: String,
  accidentDetails: {
    driverInfo: [
        name: String,
        licenseNumber: String || null,
        insuranceCompanyName: String,
    investigationOfficer: {
      name: String,
      badgeNumber: String,
    date: Date,
    location: String,
    passengerCount: Number,
    injuryDetails: String,
    vehicleDamageDetails: String,
    driverDescriptionOfAccident: [String] || null,

Instance Description for the Asset

  "report": {
    "policyNumber": "1321312411",
    "fileDateTime": "2021-04-23T18:25:43.511Z",
    "dateTime": "2021-04-23T18:25:43.511Z",
    "location": "Toronto ON",
    "mandatoryCoverageOnly": false,

    "reportedToPolice": false,
    "officerName": "",
    "badgeNumber": "",
    "registeredOwner": false,
    "driversName": "Alexandre Barros",
    "licenceNumber": "54352343265464324523",

    "vehicle": {
      "make": "BMW",
      "model": "2021",
      "year": "2021",
      "registration": "2425345345234234234021",
      "licence": "432423423424242342342342021"

    "passengers": "4",
    "injuries": "",
    "damage": "",
    "description": "",

    "drivers": [
        "name": "",
        "licence": "",
        "insuranceCompanie": "",
        "insurancePolicies": ""
        "name": "",
        "licence": "",
        "insuranceCompanie": "",
        "insurancePolicies": ""

The Chaincode

Transitions as Chaincode Functions

  • The transitions to change the state and state data should be chaincode functions
  • The transition inputs are the function parameters
  • The function can check to see if the inputs change the state data past the threshold to change the state
  • If the threshold is surpassed the function can change the state variable

Roles as Account

  • An account can be assigned to a role
  • This can be done at the time of enrollment or after the fact by the administrator account for that organization

Implementation - psuedo-code

FillInContract(Name, Address) { newState=1; putState(Name , {Address: Address, State:
newState)) }
SubmitContract(Name) { newState=2; putState(Name, {State: newState})}
ReviewContract(Name, Credit, Phone) {putState(Name, {Credit: Credit}) if Address is empty
Incomplete() else if Credit Approved(Phone) else Rejected()}
Incomplete(Name) {new State = 1; putState(Name, {State: newState))}
Rejected(Name) {new State = 0; putState(Name, {State: newState))}
Approved(Name, Phone) {new State = 3; putState(Name, {State: newState, Phone: Phone))}
CheckStatus(Name) { return getCurrentState(Name)}

Module: fabric-network


This module provides a higher level API for interacting with smart contracts, and is the recommended API for client applications to interact with smart contracts deployed to a Hyperledger Fabric blockchain network.

Note that administrative capabilities, such as installing and starting smart contracts, are not currently provided by this API. For only specific advanced usage, the lower level fabric-common API can be used. Access to related fabric-common objects is provided through the fabric-network API objects.

If migrating a client application from an earlier version of the API, consult the migration tutorial for details of potentially breaking changes and recommended actions.

TypeScript definitions are included in this module.

Getting started

The entry point used to interact with a Hyperledger Fabric blockchain network is the Gateway class. Once instantiated, this long-living object provides a reusable connection to a peer within the blockchain network, and enables access to any of the blockchain Networks (channels) for which that peer is a member. This in turn provides access to Smart Contracts (chaincode) running within that blockchain network, and to which Transactions can be submitted or queries can be evaluated.

Private data can be submitted to transactions as transient data to prevent it from being recorded on the ledger.

Client applications can initiate actions or business processes in response to chaincode events emitted by smart contract transactions using smart contract event listeners. All updates to the ledger can be observed using block event listeners.


// Connect to a gateway peer
const connectionProfileJson = (await fs.promises.readFile(connectionProfileFileName)).toString();
const connectionProfile = JSON.parse(connectionProfileJson);
const wallet = await Wallets.newFileSystemWallet(walletDirectoryPath);
const gatewayOptions: GatewayOptions = {
    identity: '[email protected]', // Previously imported identity
const gateway = new Gateway();
await gateway.connect(connectionProfile, gatewayOptions);

try {

    // Obtain the smart contract with which our application wants to interact
    const network = await gateway.getNetwork(channelName);
    const contract = network.getContract(chaincodeId);

    // Submit transactions for the smart contract
    const args = [arg1, arg2];
    const submitResult = await contract.submitTransaction('transactionName', ...args);

    // Evaluate queries for the smart contract
    const evalResult = await contract.evaluateTransaction('transactionName', ...args);

    // Create and submit transactions for the smart contract with transient data
    const transientResult = await contract.createTransaction(transactionName)
        .submit(arg1, arg2);

} finally {
    // Disconnect from the gateway peer when all work for this client identity is complete


Name Git Hub LinkedIn Twitter
Alexandre Rapchan B. Barros @AleRapchan Alexandre-rapchan @rapchan


For support, email [email protected] or join our Slack channel.


Date Revision Description Author
15/06/2021 0.1 First Draft Alexandre Rapchan B. Barros
10/07/2021 0.2 Final Review Alexandre Rapchan B. Barros






You've been in a car accident and need to make a claim. The following project helps you understand the process used by FSRA, the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario, and lead you to the best possible outcome through the use of a hyperledger fabric approach.





