ELTE IK - Számítógépes Hálózatok
If there is no Git in your machine and you don't have privileges to install it. Download the portable (thumb drive edition) and link it like in the workspace settings but it has to be in the settings of the vs code itself and not as a workspace setting.
"git.path": "C:\\Users\\alexaegis\\Downloads\\PortableGit\\cmd\\git.exe"
-Python 2.7 -Install any dependencies we use throughout the course with pip using the requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
-To run older version of pip if you have multiple Python installs
py -2.7 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
MiniNet ubuntu Hyper-V image https://ikelte-my.sharepoint.com/personal/lakis_inf_elte_hu/Documents/Mindenkivel%20megosztva/com_net_2017.zip?slrid=4c29a49e-20f0-7000-65a8-844fc1f29949