👋 Hi, I’m Alex
👀 I’m interested in web development
🌱 Now I'm learning JavaScript and PHP, develop websites using the CMS WordPress.
💞️ I want to develop websites on the react framework
👋 Hi, I’m Alex
👀 I’m interested in web development
🌱 Now I'm learning JavaScript and PHP, develop websites using the CMS WordPress.
💞️ I want to develop websites on the react framework
Forked from bradfrost/patternlab
Make a pattern library using atomic design.
Forked from parallel-js/parallel.js
Easy multi-core processing utilities for Node.
Требования к верстке / Layout markup / HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Forked from webbushka/atom-react-snippets
esnext React snippets
Forked from straube/multiple-domain
Plugin that allows you to have multiple domains in a single WordPress installation