TrackGit is a ruby gem project that overlays your git commands to interface directly with an issue tracker if your choice. Currently only supports Github issue tracker.
It provides a simple replacement for all git commands, defaulting to git when nothing different needs to happen.
tg createIssue "New Issue" # creates new issue
tg createIssue "New Issue" -b # creates new issue and checks out a branch with the same name
tg checkout 15 # checkout issue number 15
tg listIssues # list of all issues
tg listIssues --mine # List all issues assigned to you
tg commit # automatically comments on issue being commited to. If using github issue tracker, will add issue number to bottom of commit message.
tg push || tg up # pushes changes to current branch.
tg pull || tg down # pulls changes to current branch.
tg closeIssue 15 -c "Issue resolved itself" # closes issue with optional comment
tg finish # pushes commited changes, merges branch to master.