This is a perl6 module implementing some digest algorithms in pure Perl6 (no parrot or nqp:: code).
The interface is minimal: functions only return Buf and only take a Buf as argument. It's up to the user to turn it into an hex string if he needs to.
use Digest::SHA;
say my $sha256 = sha256 "hello".encode: 'ascii';
use Digest::RIPEMD;
say rmd160 "bye".encode: "ascii";
sub buf_to_hex { [~] $^buf.list».fmt: "%02x" }
say buf_to_hex $sha256;
Currently implemented:
- Digest
- md5
- Digest::SHA :
- sha256
- sha1
- Digest::RIPEMD :
- rmd160
This work is published under the terms of the artistic license, as rakudo is. See LICENSE file.