- 🌱 I’m currently learning Distributed app with .Net, Razor and Architecture
- 🌱 I’m currently learning everything 🤣
- 👯 I am looking to collaborate with other content creators
- 🥅 2023/24 Goals: Contribute more to Open Source projects and improve my English
- 💬 Ask me about Angular, TypeScript, .Net Core, Entity Framework, MSSQL, PHP, Javascript, RxJS, Node, AngularJS, VueJS, Cypress, XUnit, Moq, Netlify
- 💬 Ask me about MongoDB, MSSQL, MySQL, Cypress, Azure (pipeline-release-repositories), Github, Heroku (starter)
- 💬 Ask me about Testing, TDD, Mocking
- 📫 How to reach me [email protected]
- ⚡ Fun fact I drink mate (argentinian)
- Electro-mechanic technician
- Degree in IT (Licenciado en Informática)
- Argentina
- Spanish (native)
- English (professional competence)
- Prioridades
- Markers on the map
- FunctionSimpleMapper
- FunctionSimpleMapper.Extensions
- Numbers in your Code
- Fika page
- Tickecito
- Three Things To Do in Life
- Is a Public IP or Not?
- Do not Divide by Zero
- English Random topics
- palabrasaleatorias.ar
- Remote Desktop
- TurnoWeb
- Tatuel
- @translation-summary/core
- json-to-multiple-files
- Palabras Aleatorias (offline) current version
- Palabras Aleatorias (offline) alpha version
- Palabras Aleatorias API
- Amanecer Ocaso
- HTML to Markdown API
- Random names
- Random names API
- Weekly Tool
- Greendot (integration)
- Greendot (Core)
- Notified
- Greendot (integration)
- Seapol
- Mailroom
- clicavisos
- Cotizador online
- EDES - Overtime Charging system
- EDELAP - Personal Protection Materials delivery system
- Administration of associates and loans system
- Avionics parts purchase and sale system
- App Mobile and Intranet
- Internal desk system for reception and dispatch packages
- Activities manager and tech migration of core system
- Compensadora Electrónica SA. Cámara Electrónica de Compensación de Medios de Pago. Background Process
- App mobile, API Rest, and Web App (alpha version) of random words in Spanish