MKS -TFT Firmware version description
1.Fixed the problem that TFT can't not communicate with mainboard after firmware or baud rate updates.
2.Fixed error bug of More Menu .
1.Available to set the Max temp of extruder and bed on config.
2.Available to set value to trigger filament monitoring(high/low leveling).
3.Fixed U dish frozen BUG.
4.Bed leveling icon does not display by default.
1.Available to set 'Auto Off After Printing Finishes' function on config. And display it inside 'More' interface.
1.Improved display speed and screen touching, faster and more sensitive.
2.Available to switch title languages,including simplified Chinese,Chinese traditional,English.
3.Fixed info error of wifi display.
4.Fixed display error,that can't find sd card or u disk after reboots.
5.Support manual leveling and filament change.
6.Added "More" icon on printing operation interface for user-defined.
7.Deleted screen calibration function.
1.Updated screen interface,added 3 different home pages for 3 different firmwares.
2.Added 'print from breakpoint' function.(Continue button)
3.Deleted Baud Rate 'connect' button,but available to set it on config.
4.Updated leveling interface.
5.Fixed E position error after printing pause and filament change.