ParaView project files (.pvsm) for 3D models of Mosha fault and Damavand Volcano, Alborz, Iran.
See LinkedIn posts for more details:
The slices of the 3D model of the density on the Mosha fault area, North Iran
Comparing Magnetic and Gravity Data to the Mosha Fault Area
Provided datasets (EPSG:32639 WGS 84 / UTM zone 39N)
MODIS_Iran_Damavand_201*.tif - mosaics for 2018/2019 years for all night September scenes of MOD11A1.006 Terra Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Daily Global 1km.
MODIS_Iran_Damavand_201*.vtk - 3D Thermal Inversion Models produced by mosaics for 2018/2019 years for all night September scenes of MOD11A1.006 Terra Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Daily Global 1km with bandpass filters 15-20km.
MODIS_Iran_Damavand_September_*.tif - mosaic for 2000-2019 years night September scenes of MOD11A1.006 Terra Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Daily Global 1km.
MODIS_Iran_Damavand_September_*.vtk - 3D Thermal Inversion Model produced by mosaic for 2000-2019 years night September scenes of MOD11A1.006 Terra Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Daily Global 1km with bandpass filters 15-20km.
S1_GRD_*.tif - mosaic of VV polarization ascending and descending Interferometric Wide Swath (IW) mode summer (April-October) scenes of Sentinel-1 SAR GRD C-band Radar.
S1_GRD_*.vtk - 3D Inversion Model produced by mosaic of VV polarization ascending and descending Interferometric Wide Swath (IW) mode summer (April-October) scenes of Sentinel-1 SAR GRD C-band Radar with bandpass filters 15-20km.
grav_28.1.subset.*.vtk - our density anomaly models by inversion of Sandwell and Smith Gravity Anomaly and Vertical Gravity Gradient Open Datasets at 1 arc-minute resolution with bandpass filters 40-60km, 60-80km.
EMAG2_V2.subset.*.vtk - our magnetic anomaly models by inversion of WGM2012 Earth's Gravity Anomalies and EMAG2 Earth Magnetic Anomaly Grid are Open datasets at 2-arc-minute resolution with bandpass filters 40-60km, 60-80km.
GEBCO_2019.subset.*.vtk - our density anomaly models by inversion of GEBCO_2019 Bathymetry Grid is Open dataset at 15 arc-second resolution with bandpass filters 7.5-10km, 15-20km. See out spectrum components transfer technique Build Super-resolution Gravity from GGMplus Free-Air Gravity Anomaly (200m) enhanced by SRTM topography (30m)
earthquakes_us.vtm - USGS Earthquake Catalog
earthquakes_eu.vtm - EMSC Earthquake Catalog
AOI*.vtp, - GEBCO_2019 Bathymetry Grid is Open dataset at 15 arc-second resolution
Damavand*.vtk - Damavand Volcano location point
fault*.vtm - Major faults in Iran (flt2cg)
ne_50m_admin_0_countries_lakes.*.vtk - Natural Earth Admin 0 – Countries without boundary lakes
*.stl - our 3D STL models.
Click on picture below to watch YouTube videos:
3D Thermal Inversion Model by MOD11A1.006 Terra Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Daily Global 1km
Compare 3D Density calculated with the same parameters on Sandwell and Smith Gravity and GEBCO 2019 topography
Use ParaView File -> Load State menu item to load the MOSHA.pvsm project file and specify "data" subdirectory as "Data Directory" as on the screen below:
A.V.Durandin (ORCID) E-mail: [email protected]
A.O.Pechnikov (ORCID) E-mail: [email protected]