- Ruby 3.2.2
Install the required Ruby version:
rbenv install 3.2.2
rvm install 3.2.2
Install dependencies:
bundle install
Setup the DB
createdb pokedex_db
Run the application:
The main interface for user interaction. Key functionalities:
- Initializes the Pokedex by fetching and saving the Pokemon index from https://pokemon.com/us/pokedex/.
- Manages the main loop for user input and Pokemon searches.
- Displays Pokemon information to the user.
Responsible for fetching and managing Pokemon data. Main features:
- Fetches and saves the Pokemon index.
- Manages a queue system for fetching detailed Pokemon information.
- Handles priority requests for specific Pokemon.
Manages external requests to the Pokemon website. Key features:
- Simulates human-like behavior to avoid detection.
- Handles retries and proxy usage for failed requests.
- Fetches HTML content from the Pokemon website.
Parses HTML content from the Pokemon website. Main functionality:
- Extracts Pokemon index information.
- Parses detailed Pokemon information from individual pages.
Handles the fetching and display of individual Pokemon. Key features:
- Displays Pokemon details to the user.
- Initiates priority fetching for Pokemon requested by the user with missing information.
Provides caching mechanism for API requests. Main features:
- Caches responses based on request URLs.
- Implements cache policies to determine when to fetch fresh data.
- The application uses a queue system to manage parallel fetching of Pokemon details.
- Proxy servers are utilized when the main Pokemon website starts blocking requests.
- Human-like behavior simulation is implemented to avoid detection by the Pokemon website.
For detailed implementation of these components, refer to the respective files in the lib