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Jenkins Pipeline Project

This project sets up a Jenkins pipeline to automate the CI/CD process for an application. The pipeline includes stages for testing the application, building a Docker image, pushing the image to Docker Hub, and deploying the application on OpenShift. The pipeline leverages an EC2 instance as a Jenkins slave and uses a shared library hosted on GitHub for reusable pipeline code.


  1. Jenkins master configured with the following plugins:

    • Git
    • Pipeline
    • Docker
    • OpenShift
  2. An EC2 instance configured as a Jenkins slave.

  3. OpenJDK, Docker and oc cli installed and configured on the EC2 slave using Ansible Playbook.

  4. A GitHub repository containing the shared library.

  5. An OpenShift cluster and CLI configured.

Pipeline Stages

  1. Test: Run unit tests to ensure the codebase is stable.
  2. Build Docker Image: Build a Docker image for the application.
  3. Edit new image in deployment.yaml file Edit new image to push on docker hub
  4. Push Docker Image: Push the Docker image to Docker Hub.
  5. Deploy on OpenShift: Deploy the application on an OpenShift cluster.

Setup Instructions

Configure Jenkins EC2 Slave

  1. Launch an EC2 instance.

  2. Configure the EC2 instance as a Jenkins build agent.

  3. Install OpenJDK, Docker and oc cli on the EC2 instance Using Ansible Playbook.

    In this repo there is Ansible folder download it and install playbook roles

Set Up GitHub Shared Library

GitHub Shared Library link

  1. Create a shared library in a GitHub repository.

  2. Define common pipeline steps (e.g., test, build, push, deploy) in the shared library As a groovy function.

runUnitTests function

    #!/usr/bin/env groovy
    def call() {
 	echo "Running Unit Test..."
 	sh './gradlew clean test'	

buildandPushDockerImage function

     #!usr/bin/env groovy
     def call(String dockerHubCredentialsID, String imageName) {
 	// Log in to DockerHub 
 	withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: "${dockerHubCredentialsID}", usernameVariable: 'USERNAME', passwordVariable: 'PASSWORD')]) {
 		sh "docker login -u ${USERNAME} -p ${PASSWORD}"
         // Build and push Docker image
         echo "Building and Pushing Docker image..."
         sh "docker build -t ${imageName}:${BUILD_NUMBER} ."
         sh "docker push ${imageName}:${BUILD_NUMBER}"	 

editNewImage function

 #!/usr/bin/env groovy

    def call(String imageName) {
    // Edit deployment.yml with new Docker Hub image
    sh "sed -i 's|image:.*|image: ${imageName}:${BUILD_NUMBER}|g' deployment.yml"


deployOnOc function

  #!/usr/bin/env groovy
  def call(String openshiftCredentialsID, String nameSpace, String clusterUrl) {
     // Login to OpenShift using the service account token
     withCredentials([string(credentialsId: openshiftCredentialsID, variable: 'OC_TOKEN')]) {
         sh "oc login --token=$OC_TOKEN --server=$clusterUrl --insecure-skip-tls-verify"
     // Apply the updated deployment.yaml to the OpenShift cluster
     sh "oc apply -f . --namespace=${nameSpace}"
  1. And configure it in Jenkins

Set Up Jenkins Credentials

  1. Create The github, dockerhub, oc-token As.

  2. Define common pipeline steps (e.g., test, build, push, deploy) in the shared library.

  3. And oc-token in Jenkins As

    get token from openshift cluster by

    And add it in

Create Jenkins Pipeline Job

  1. Go to Jenkins dashboard and create a new pipeline job and write.

    And Configure your pipline as following

  2. Configure the job to use the EC2 slave as the build agent.

    pipeline {
     agent { 
         // Specifies a label to select an available agent
          node { 
              label 'jenkins-slave'
  3. Configure the pipeline script to use the shared library by adding the following line in the first line in your Jenkinsfile Pipeline.

  4. The final Jenkinsfile or pipeline contents

pipeline {
    agent { 
        // Specifies a label to select an available agent
         node { 
             label 'jenkins-slave'
    environment {
        dockerHubCredentialsID	    = 'DockerHub'  		    			// DockerHub credentials ID.
        imageName   		    = 'alikhames/java-app'     			        // DockerHub repo/image name.
	openshiftCredentialsID	    = 'openshift'	    				// KubeConfig credentials ID.   
	nameSpace                   = 'alikhames'
	clusterUrl                  = ''
    stages {       

        stage('Run Unit Test') {
            steps {
                script {
        stage('Build and Push Docker Image') {
            steps {
                script {
                 	buildandPushDockerImage("${dockerHubCredentialsID}", "${imageName}")
	stage('Edit new image in deployment.yaml file') {
            steps {
                script { 
                	dir('oc') {

        stage('Deploy on OpenShift Cluster') {
            steps {
                script { 
			dir('oc') {
				deployOnOc("${openshiftCredentialsID}", "${nameSpace}", "${clusterUrl}")

    post {
        success {
            echo "${JOB_NAME}-${BUILD_NUMBER} pipeline succeeded"
        failure {
            echo "${JOB_NAME}-${BUILD_NUMBER} pipeline failed"

Build Pipeline


Check the openshift cluster

Login into your cluster and run

Check your Application

By run

oc get route route-name -n namespace

And add route link into your browser

If your App is running you will see this result if not check your configurations.


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  • Dockerfile 2.8%