文件快递柜-匿名口令分享文本,文件,像拿快递一样取文件(FileCodeBox - File Express Cabinet - Anonymous Passcode Sharing Text, Files, Like Taking Express Delivery for Files)
一个轻量级 Java 权限认证框架,让鉴权变得简单、优雅!—— 登录认证、权限认证、分布式Session会话、微服务网关鉴权、单点登录、OAuth2.0
JSON Hero is an open-source, beautiful JSON explorer for the web that lets you browse, search and navigate your JSON files at speed. 🚀. Built with 💜 by the team.
Conversational RPA SDK for Chatbot Makers. Join our Discord:
A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers
📌 本地存储图床,使用SpringBoot开发,RESTful前后端分离,面向用户的网络图床服务。📦 免费用于自用、商用图床,自由修改 | 📄 中文文档,配置简单,不依赖数据库 | 📝 URL图片转存功能 | 📈 历史记录功能 | 🍱 支持选择、拖拽、粘贴上传 | ⚗️ 自动生成img标签、Markdown标签 | 🔒 上传频率限制
Get a full fake REST API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds (seriously)
Spring Cloud 系列脚手架项目,用于 Spring Cloud 初学者
A GUI client for Windows, Linux and macOS, support Xray and sing-box and others
一套遵循原生态开发模式的 Web UI 组件库,采用自身轻量级模块化规范,易上手,可以更简单快速地构建网页界面。