This script is the torch implementation of the domain transform Recursive Filter described in the paper:
Domain Transform for Edge-Aware Image and Video Processing
Eduardo S. L. Gastal and Manuel M. Oliveira
ACM Transactions on Graphics. Volume 30 (2011), Number 4.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2011, Article 69.
Torch 7 []
RF Domain tranform recursive edge-preserving fitler
F = RF(img, sigma_s, sigma_r, num_iterations, joint_image)
Parameters: img: input image to be filtered
sigma_s: Filter spatial standard deviation
sigma_r: Filter range standard deviation
num_iterations Number of iterations to perform (defualt: 3)
joint_image Optional image for joint filtering.
input ref1 | RF result | input ref2 | RF result2 | input ref3 | RF result3 |