In this project, I added a few lines of code to my old project "nRF Scanner" so that we can do jamming on 14 channels of 802.11.
- Scan 2.4Ghz band
- Jamming on the 2.4GHz band
- Ability to choose the desired channel from 14 channels
we will use Arduino Nano as a processor. and we will add an OLED display to show scanned values in graphs. With the nRF24 module, we can scan and view the entire 2.4GHz network.
- Arduino Nano
- nRF24
- Oled 0.96 SSD1306
Make the connections according to the table and schematic below.
- Arduino and nRF24.
Arduino | nRF24 |
9 | CE |
13 | SCK |
12 | MISO |
10 | CSN |
11 | MOSI |
3V3 | Vcc |
- Arduino and OLED display.
Arduino | Oled 0.96 |
A5 | SCK |
A4 | SDA |
Vin | VDD |
- Arduino and Micro Switch.
Arduino | Micro Switch |
2 | - |
3 | - |
- Complete Schematic
Before uploading the code you need to install the required library in Arduino IDE. Follow these steps:
- Follow this path Sketch> Include Library> Manage Libraries
- Search for Adafruit SSD1306
- Install the library
-Then search for the “GFX” and install it also.
After uploading the code, the network scanner starts working automatically and you can change the desired channel by using the keys and start the attack.
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.
CiferTech - @twitter - [email protected]
Project Link: