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const alfredo = {
pronouns: "He" | "Him",
code: ["JavaScript", "TypeScript", "Python", "PHP"],
askMeAbout: ["web development", "desktop apps", "RESTful APIs", "generative AI"],
technologies: {
frontEnd: {
js: ["React", "Next.js"],
css: ["Tailwind", "Bootstrap"],
uiLibraries: ["ShadCN"],
backEnd: {
js: ["Node.js", "Express"],
php: ["Symfony", "Doctrine"],
templates: ["Twig", "Blade"],
desktopApps: {
python: ["PyQt"],
devOps: ["Dockerπ³", "GitHub Actions"],
databases: ["MySQL", "MariaDB"],
generativeAI: ["LLMs", "GPT-based models"],
architecture: {
frontEnd: ["SPA", "SSR"],
backEnd: ["RESTful APIs", "monolithic", "microservices"],
databases: ["Relational"],
currentFocus: "Exploring the integration of AI in web applications",
funFact: "I turn coffee β into code, faster than you think!"