A simple text based chat client and server program.
- Run the server.py file, by default the ip is set to localhost and ports 5820 and 5821 are used.
- Run the client.py file, follow instructions to join server.
- /dm [user] -- sends a direct message to a user.
- /r -- replies to the last direct message received.
- /upl [filename] [user] -- uploads a file to the server (must be in same directory as client.py) this can only be downloaded by [user].
- /dwn [filename] -- downloads a file from the server and deletes it from there.
- /help -- Displays all commands.
- /exit -- exits the program.
- While typing a message, if you receive another message what you were writing is overwritten. This does not happen if using the Python Console.
- Implement a basic GUI.
- Colour Coding for messages, e.g., white for normal text and orange for whispers.
- Save server activity to a log file.