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AndResGuard is a tool to proguard resource for Android, just like ProGuard in Java. It can change res/drawable/wechat to r/d/a, and rename the resource file wechat.png to a.png. Finally, it repackages the apk with 7zip, which can reduce the package size obviously.
AndResGuard is fast, and it does not need the source codes. Input a Android apk, then we can get a 'ResGuard' apk in a few seconds.
Some uses of AndResGuard are:
Obfuscate android resources, it contain all the resource type(such as drawable、layout、string...). It can prevent your apk reversed by Apktool.
Shrinking the apk size, it can reduce the resources.arsc and the package size obviously.
Repackage with 7zip, it support repackage apk with 7zip, and we can specify the compression method for each file.
AndResGuard is a command-line tool, it supports Window、Linux and Mac. We suggest you to use 7zip in Linux or Mac platform for a higher compression ratio.
This has been released on Bintray
apply plugin: 'AndResGuard'
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath ''
andResGuard {
mappingFile = null
use7zip = true
useSign = true
keepRoot = false
whiteList = [
// your icon
// for fabric
// for umeng update
// umeng share for sina
// for google-services.json
compressFilePattern = [
sevenzip {
artifact = ''
//path = "/usr/local/bin/7za"
Run andresguard/resguard
task to generate compressed APK. This can be done in two ways:
If you are using AndroidStudio, you can find the generate task option in andresguard
Or alternatively, you run ./gradlew resguard
in your terminal.
The sevenzip can be set by 'path' or 'artifact'. Mutiple assignments are allowed, but the winner always is path
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