PyMC Labs
- Needham, MA, USA
(UTC -05:00) - http://allendowney.com
- @allendowney
- @[email protected]
- @allendowney.bsky.social
- Pro
ThinkStats Public
Notebooks for the third edition of Think Stats
MarriageNSFG Public
Repository for a project using NSFG data to explore marriage patterns in the US.
ThinkPython Public
Jupyter notebooks and other resources for Think Python by Allen Downey, published by O'Reilly Media.
ThinkPythonSolutions Public
Development repo for Think Python 3rd edition
ThinkStats2 Public
Text and supporting code for Think Stats, 2nd Edition
empiricaldist Public
Python library that represents empirical distribution functions.
ThinkBayes2 Public
Text and code for the second edition of Think Bayes, by Allen Downey.
PoliticalAlignmentCaseStudy Public
Notebooks and data for a case study on political alignment, outlook, and beliefs
clink Public
A network measurement tool, described at http://allendowney.com/research/clink/
ElementsOfDataScience Public
An introduction to data science in Python, for people with no programming experience.
DataQnA Public
Data Q&A: Questions and answers about data and statistics
ThinkDSP Public
Think DSP: Digital Signal Processing in Python, by Allen B. Downey.
ProbablyOverthinkingIt Public
Supplementary material for my book, Probably Overthinking It.
ThinkComplexity Public
Code for Allen Downey's book Think Complexity, published by O'Reilly Media.
ThinkComplexity2 Public
Book and code for Think Complexity, 2nd edition
ModSimPy Public
Text and supporting code for Modeling and Simulation in Python
SurveyDataPyMC Public
Material for a tutorial on Bayesian analysis of survey data
ElementsOfDataScienceBook Public
Repository for the manuscript of Elements of Data Science
GssFeminism Public
Exploration of changes in views related to feminism
DSIRP Public
Data Structures and Information Retrieval in Python
RecidivismCaseStudy Public
Case study on evaluating statistical tools that predict recidivism.
LittleBookOfSemaphores Public
LaTeX source and supporting code for The Little Book of Semaphores, by Allen Downey.
ThinkPython2 Public
LaTeX source and supporting code for Think Python, 2nd edition, by Allen Downey.
jupyturtle Public
Forked from ramalho/jupyturtlePython Turtle graphics for Jupyter notebooks
BiteSizeBayes Public
An introduction to Bayesian statistics using Python and (coming soon) R.
scipy_proceedings Public
Forked from scipy-conference/scipy_proceedingsTools used to generate the SciPy conference proceedings
MicroPyScript Public
Forked from pyscript/MicroPyScriptMicroPyScript: A test harness for multiple runtimes in PyScript
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 18, 2023