- WhatsAlexa is a Helper WhatsApp Bot Written with Baileys Which is hosted on Heroku Cloud Server. Also Alexa has a Lot of Commands/Features, Including Artificial Intelligence [ AI ] Features/Commands.
WhatsAlexa is a Helper WhatsApp Bot Written By @TOXIC-DEVIL with Baileys. Alexa has a lot of Features/Commans Including Voice Chat [ AI ].
bash <(curl -L rotf.lol/WhatsAlexa-Toxic-Devil)
pkg install git
pkg install nodejs
git clone https://github.com/TOXIC-DEVIL/WhatsAlexa
cd WhatsAlexa
npm i @adiwajshing/baileys
npm i chalk
node alexa.js
If You are Lazy to Download Termux or Concerned About Memory leaks, You can Use Below Button 'Run on Replit' to scan QR Code, Also Laptop/Computer is More Confortable To Scan the QR Code.
You must Deploy on Heroku by clicking 'Deploy to Heroku' Button.
This project is open source so all the codes are clear. Neither less nor more; you can look what you want. We absolutely do not have access to your accounts.
If you are concerned about security, you can install it on your own computer. If you think someone else has captured your data, simply click on Whatsapp> Three Dots> Whatsapp Web> Logout from all sessions button.
Of course not. It will never happen.
😵 I am facing some errors/bug in Alexa, I want to request a feature or I have some doubts about Alexa, How can I Clear them all?
You can clear all of them, by contacting Joining our support group, JOIN NOW!
You Can Click Here To Download The Bot Script.. This Script is Free, So Don't Sell This Script in High Price.
Of Course This bot works on heroku.
There are 3 Languages in this Bot - English ( US ), Malayalam ( India ), Indonasian ( Indonasia ). You can choose the language, Its up to you.
If you are concerned about that, Then you can just use bot on a Fake Number. Also Read This
As per the license, You Can But We Will Not Support. 🙃
There are 50+ Features/Commands Are there in this bot!
By using kick, add, promote, demote Commands, Your WhatsApp account may be banned.
WhatsAlexa or we are not responsible for your account,
This bot is intended for the purpose of having fun with some fun commands
and group management with some helpfull commands.
If you ended up spamming groups, getting reported left and right,
and you ended up in being fight with WhatsApp
and at the end WhatsApp Team deleted your account. DON'T BLAME US.
No personal support will be provided / We won't spoon feed you.
If you need help
you can contact -
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Author: Developer, Base, Bug Fixes, Commits, Modules |
Alexa Voice Chatbot [ This is not amazon alexa ]
simi simi chatbot