I'm Alvan, from the Caribbean currently residing in the United Kingdom. A web designer/developer, I really enjoy learning new languages and frameworks like Bootstrap and NodeJS. I also enjoy UI/UX and design in general. However, i've recently discovered and delving deeper into Cloud, namely AWS with a end view of stepping into the Cyber Security Industry and looking forward to improving my portfolio to portray my abilities.
- HTML / CSS / PHP / JS / BOOTSTRAP / AWS / Linux / Python
- 🔭 I’m currently working on this page, and becoming an AWS Cloud Practitioner.
- 🌱 Actively learning and Improving my knowledge on AWS and Cloud Architecture prior to undertaking my cloud certifications.
- 👯 Looking to collaborate on I’m looking to collaborate on anyone interested in cloud technologies.
- 🤔 I’m looking for help and uidance on improving knowledge to progress further within the industry.
- 💬 Ask me about any and all things related to technology.
- ⚡ Fun fact: To leave a party without telling anyone is called in English, a “French Exit”. In France, it’s called a “partir à l’anglaise”, to leave like the English.
Examples to be added.
A bit about me.
Graphic Design
Photo and Video editing
UI/UK Design
Web Design / Development
Aviation / Drone Pilot
Repository Cloned over to cPanel of https://www.alvanchance.com