A list of open-source VST (and other format) plugin/app projects. The intention of this list is to catalog open-source plugins or apps which are either fully featured or are useful examples which have non-trivial features.
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Table of Contents
Plugin | Description | Type | Framework |
ADLplug | FM Chip Synthesizer — OPL & OPN | Instrument | JUCE |
ampli-Fe | Cross-platform VST2 plugin written in Rust | Effect | Rust VST |
andes | Sound synthesiser plugin based on Perlin noise | Instrument | JUCE |
Airwindows | Various small and experimental effect plugins | Effect | |
amsynth | Analog-modelling (virtual analog) synthesizer | Instrument | GTK |
Argotlunar | Real-time delay-line granulator | Effect | JUCE |
Audio Effects | Plugins implemented from the explanations in the book “Audio Effects: Theory, Implementation and Application” | Effect | JUCE |
Bespoke | Node-based modular synth with live coding | Instrument | JUCE |
BinAural VST | Mono-to-stereo plugin that positions sound in a 3D space using Head-Related Transfer Functions | Effect | JUCE |
BlackBird | Analog-inspired software synth with its own voice | Instrument | JUCE |
C1Bitcrusher | Experimental and accurate bit reduction | Effect | |
Calf Studio Gear | Many LV2 and Jack audio plug-ins | Effects | GTK |
CHOW | Maximally truculent distortion effect | Effect | JUCE |
Cloud Seed | Algorithmic reverb for emulating huge, endless spaces and modulated echoes | Effect | |
Cocoa Delay | Warm and lively delay | Effect | WDL-OL |
Convolver | Impulse-response reverb | Effect | VSTGUI, JUCE |
Dexed | DX7 FM plugin synth | Instrument | JUCE |
Digits | Phase-distortion synth inspired by Casio CZ series | Instrument | VSTGUI |
Distrho glBars | OpenGL bars visualization plugin (as seen in XMMS and XBMC/Kodi) adapted from jack_glbars | Effect | DPF |
Distrho Juice Plugins | Misc | DPF | |
Distrho Kars | Simple karplus-strong plucked string synth based on the karplong DSSI example synth | Instrument | DPF |
Distrho Mini-Series | Collection of small plugins based on LOSER-Dev Plugins | Effect | DPF |
Distrho MVerb | DPF-based version of MVerb | Effect | DPF |
Distrho ndc Plugs | DPF-based versions of some of ndc Plugs | Effect | DPF |
Distrho Nekobi | Simple single-oscillator synth based on Roland TB-303 | Instrument | DPF |
Distrho ProM | Music-visualizer plugin based on projectM | Effect | DPF |
Dragonfly Reverb | Hall-style reverb based on Freeverb3 algorithms | Effect | DPF |
Drops | Single file audio player | Instrument | DPF |
Element | Advanced Audio Plugin Host | Misc | JUCE |
Eurorack | Diverse set of physical modeling sources, organic processors, wavetable oscillators, waveshapers, granular synths, and utility modules | Misc | |
Flutterbird | Simple pitch fluctuation | Effect | iPlug 2 |
Gverb/Gigaverb | Reverb | Effect | VSTGUI |
Helm | Polyphonic synth with lots of modulation | Instrument | JUCE |
hexter | Yamaha DX7 modeling FM synth for DSSI | Instrument | DPF |
HiLoFilter | Simple hipass/lopass filter controlled with a single knob | Effect | JUCE |
JuceOPLVSTi | FM synth based on Yamaha OPL2/3 emulation from DOSBox | Instrument | JUCE |
Juno 6 | Roland Juno 6/60 Synthesizer | Instrument | |
keithhearne/VSTPlugins | Collection of VST plugins | Effect | JUCE |
K-Meter | Implementation of a K-System meter according to Bob Katz’ specifications | Effect | JUCE |
Key Repeat | Beat repeat sampler | Instrument | JUCE |
KickMaker | Synth specifically to create kick-drum sounds | Instrument | VSTGUI |
LameVST | LameMP3 as an effect | Effect | |
Magical8bitPlug 2 | Old 8bit game console style synth | Instrument | JUCE |
mda | FX and virtual instruments for PC and Mac | Misc | (no GUI) |
Mika Micro | Simple subtractive synth | Instrument | WDL-OL |
MVerb | Studio-quality reverb using the Dattorro’s figure-of-eight reverb structure | Effect | VSTGUI |
Ninjas 2 | Sample slicer, rewrite of Ninjas | Instrument | DPF |
NotNotchFilter | Performance-oriented filter designed to replace the mid-EQ found in a standard 3-band DJ mixer | Effect | JUCE |
ndc Plugs | VST plugins for Windows and OSX | Misc | |
OctaSine | VST2 frequency modulation synthesizer written in Rust | Instrument | Rust VST |
Odin2 | Polyphonic Synth | Instrument | JUCE |
OwlBass | Additive bass synth | Instrument | JUCE |
OB-Xd | Based on the Oberheim OB-X | Instrument | JUCE |
Oxe FM Synth | Multitimbral 8-operator FM synth (VST 2.4; Windows, Linux, macOS) | Instrument | VSTGUI |
PulseDelay | Timed delay effect | Effect | (no GUI) |
QtVST | VST plugins with a Qt interface | Effect | Qt |
Regrader | Degenerative delay | Effect | VSTGUI |
Roth-AIR | Mixing tool for easily adding airy, crispy presence to audio | Effect | JUCE |
ScorchCrafter Guitar FX | Audio DSP FX and plugins, mostly for guitar (amp sim) and other FX | Effect | VSTGUI |
Schrammel OJD | Model of a modern classic guitar distortion pedal | Effect | JUCE |
sfizz | SFZ parser library and instrument plugins | Instrument | VSTGUI |
ShoutVST | VST for streaming sound into Icecast/Shoutcast directly from VST hosts | Effect | VSTGUI, FLUID |
SmartGuitarAmp | Guitar amplifier-style plugin, that uses machine learning for emulating real world hardware | Instrument | JUCE |
SmartGuitarPedal | Guitar pedal-style plugin, that uses machine learning for emulating real world hardware | Effect | JUCE |
Sound Analyser | Real-time audio analysis to allow anyone to quickly set up and experiment with different algorithms | Effect | JUCE |
SPARTA | Spatial audio focused plug-in suite (Ambisonics encoders/decoders, 3-D panners/spatialisers, etc.) | Effect | SAF, JUCE |
Surge | Subtractive wavetable synth | Instrument | VSTGUI |
Synister | Subtractive synth | Instrument | JUCE |
Syntage | VST 2.4 .Net Study Synth | Instrument | |
Temper | Digital distortion targeting VST, VST3, and AU for OS X and Windows | Effect | Faust, JUCE |
Tunefish | VST virtual analog synthesizer | Instrument | JUCE |
traKmeter | Loudness meter for correctly setting up tracking and mixing levels | Effect | JUCE |
VCV Rack | Virtual modular synth | Misc | RtAudio |
Vital | Spectral warping wavetable synthesizer | Instrument | JUCE |
VSTSID | SID synthesizer instrument | Instrument | |
VST2413 | FM synth based on emulator of YM2413 (OPLL) chip used in Sega Master System and FM-PAC MSX expansion | Instrument | (no GUI) |
WebCZ101 | Virtual CZ101 synth in a browser | Instrument | WAM |
WebDX7 | Virtual Yamaha DX7 synth in a browser | Instrument | WAM |
Wolf Shaper | Waveshaper plugin with spline-based graph editor | Effect | DPF |
YK Chorus | Chorus audio effect plugin based on DSP code by TAL | Effect | DPF |
zam-plugins | LADSPA/LV2/VST/JACK audio plugins for high-quality processing | Effect | DPF |
zynaddsubfx | Additive/Subtractive AM/FM synthesizer with effects | Instrument | FLTK |
- Linux Synths — list of linux based synths, some of which are open-source
- OpenAV — collection of instruments, effects, and development tool kits for Linux.
- SFZ Instruments — list of SFZ instruments, most of which are free
- StudioRack — open-source audio plugin registry, app and command line tools
- VCV library — library of plugins compatible with VCV Plugin Manager
Software | Source | Description |
Ardour | Ardour/ardour | DAW |
ASIO2WASAPI | levmin/ASIO2WASAPI | Universal ASIO driver for Windows |
Audacity | audacity/audacity | Audio editor |
Carla | falkTX/Carla | GNU/Linux Plugin Host |
Element | Kushview/Element | Advanced Audio Plugin Host |
FlexASIO | dechamps/FlexASIO | Universal ASIO driver for Windows |
Giada | monocasual/giada | Loop machine |
Guitarix | SourceForge → guitarix | GNU/Linux Virtual Amplifier |
Helio Workstation | helio-fm/helio-workstation | Sequencer |
HISE | christophhart/HISE | Cross-platform framework/application for building sample-based virtual instruments (VST, AU, AAX) |
Harmonoid | harmonoid/harmonoid | Cross-platform music player (Mobile & Desktop) written in Flutter |
Hydrogen | hydrogen-music/hydrogen | Drum machine |
NewMixer | jatinchowdhury18/NewMixer | Mixing Software |
LMMS | LMMS/lmms | DAW |
OpenMPT | OpenMPT/openmpt | Popular tracker (formerly ModPlug Tracker) for Windows with support for IT, XM, S3M, MOD modules, VST plugins and ASIO |
OwlPlug | DropSnorz/OwlPlug | Audio plugin manager |
orDrumbox | SourceForge → ordrumbox | Drum machine |
Psycle | SourceForge → psycle | Modular music tracker |
SampleScanner | psobot/SampleScanner | Tool for auto-sampling hardware instruments |
Sonic Pi | sonic-pi-net/sonic-pi | Code-based music creation and performance tool |
StudioRack | github.com/studiorack | Audio plugin manager |
VCV Rack | VCVRack/Rack | Modular synth |
yabridge | robbert-vdh/yabridge | Linux bridge for Windows VSTs |
Zrythm | zrythm/zrythm | DAW |
Library | Source | Description |
Cabbage | rorywalsh/cabbage | Framework for developing audio plugins and standalone instruments with Csound |
Csound | csound/csound | Programming language for sound and music synthesis |
DawDreamer | DBraun/DawDreamer | An audio-processing Python framework supporting core DAW features written with JUCE |
DPF | DISTRHO/DPF | C++ framework for creating cross-platform audio plugins. DPF can build for LADSPA, DSSI, LV2, and VST formats. |
Dplug | AuburnSounds/Dplug | Dplug lets you create audio plug-ins with unmatched simplicity and speed, using the D language. |
Elementary | nick-thompson/elementary | A JavaScript runtime for writing native audio applications, as well as a library and framework for composing audio signal processes. |
Faust | grame-cncm/faust | Functional programming language for real-time signal processing |
FluidSynth | FluidSynth/fluidsynth | Real-time synth based on the SoundFont 2 specifications |
Heavy | Wasted-Audio/hvcc | The heavy hvcc compiler for Pure Data patches. With generators for Bela, Fabric, js, pdext, Unity, Daisy, DPF, and Wwise frameworks. |
iPlug 2 | iPlug2/iPlug2 | Simple-to-use C++ framework for developing cross-platform audio plugins/apps |
JUCE | WeAreROLI/JUCE | Cross-platform C++ framework for developing desktop and mobile apps and audio plugins |
jVSTwRapper | SourceForge → jvstwrapper | Wrapper to write audio plugins in Java (VST 2.4, AU, LADSPA; Windows, Linux, macOS) |
libopenmpt | OpenMPT/openmpt | Cross-platform C/C++ module-playback library based on OpenMPT |
libspatialaudio | videolabs/libspatialaudio | Cross-platform C++ library for Ambisonic encoding and decoding, filtering and binaural rendering |
PortAudio | Assembla → portaudio | Cross-platform audio I/O library |
RtAudio | thestk/rtaudio | C++ classes for cross-platform real-time audio I/O |
rust-vst | rust-dsp/rust-vst | VST 2.4 API implementation in the Rust language |
SAF | leomccormack/Spatial_Audio_Framework | Cross-platform framework for developing spatial audio related algorithms and software in C/C++ |
SOUL | soul-lang/SOUL | SOUL (SOUnd Language) is an attempt to modernise and optimise the way high-performance, low-latency audio code is written and executed. |
Soundpipe | PaulBatchelor/Soundpipe | Lightweight music DSP library written in C; over 100 modules, many ported from Csound |
tracktion_engine | Tracktion/tracktion_engine | Tracktion Engine module. You can build anything from a simple file-player or sequencer to a full blown DAW. Tracktion Engine is supplied as a JUCE module so it can easily fit in to an existing JUCE application. |
VSTGUI | steinbergmedia/vstgui | User-interface toolkit mainly for audio plugins |
WDL-OL | olilarkin/wdl-ol | Simple-to-use C++ framework for developing cross-platform audio plugins (superseded by iPlug 2) |
WebAudioModules | webaudiomodules | WAM (WebAudioModules) - Synthesizers and audio effects processors for web browsers |
- KlangFalter — convolution audio plugin (e.g. for usage as convolution reverb)
- FFTConvolver — audio convolution algorithm in C++ for real-time audio processing
- py-modular — modular and experimental programming environment with basic DSP routines in Python
- OpenAIR — the Open Acoustic Impulse Response Library (Convolution Reverb Impulse Responses to recreate reverb character of space and equipment/recordings)