Rust implementation of a Lattice-based encryption using polynomial ring based on hardness of LWE problem.
This work is inspired by the paper Basic Lattice Cryptography by Vadim Lyubashevsky.
To use this library, you will need to use integers compatible to the types that implements the Integer
trait in the crate num. The message to encrypt are represented as a vector of integers in {0, 1}. Natively, you can use rust primitive types such as i32
and i64
. You can also use BigInt
depending on your needs.
For convenience, the key generation method standard
is provided using the NIST standard parameters.
let rng = &mut rand::rng();
// Key generation using standard parameters
let (ek, dk) = rlwe_encryption::standard(rng);
// message is a vector of ones and zeros
let message = vec![0, 1, 0, 1];
// Encrypt the message
let ciphertext = ek.encrypt(rng, message.clone());
// Decrypt the ciphertext and then truncate to the length of the original message.
let decrypted = dk.decrypt(ciphertext)[..message.len()].to_vec();
assert_eq!(message, decrypted);
It is also possible to generate the keys using custom parameters. The parameters are defined in your custom struct that implements the trait IntField
. Then you can call key_gen
method together with a constant N
. Please check the rust doc for more details. One note is that the integer modulo operation is not provided in this library. You need to implement it in your custom struct.
use rlwe_encryption::{key_gen, IntField};
struct ZqI32;
impl IntField for ZqI32 {
type I = i32;
const Q: i32 = 8383489; // a prime number
const B: i32 = 1;
fn modulo(x: &Self::I) -> Self::I {
let a = x.rem_euclid(Self::Q);
if a > Self::Q / 2 {
a - Self::Q
} else {
let rng = &mut rand::rng();
let (ek, dk) = key_gen::<ZqI32, 512>(rng);
// ...