Pluggable asyncio
Telegram userbot based on
Forked by cHAuHaN from Uniborg
**Your Telegram account might get banned.**
I am not responsible for ANY improper use of this bot.
This userbot is intended for the purpose of having fun with memes,
as well as efficiently managing groups.
You ended up spamming groups, getting reported left and right,
and you ended up in a Final Battle with Telegram and at the end
Telegram Team deleted your account?
and then if you pointed your fingers at me for getting your acoount deleted,
I will be rolling on the floor laughing at you.
Simply clone the repository and run the main file:
git clone
cd uniborg
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv
. ./venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
# <Create with variables as given below>
python3 -m stdborg YourSessionName
An example
file could be:
Not All of the variables are mandatory
The UniBorg should work by setting only these variables
from sample_config import Config
class Development(Config):
APP_ID = 6
API_HASH = "eb06d4abfb49dc3eeb1aeb98ae0f581e"
# specify LOAD and NO_LOAD
LOAD = []
NO_LOAD = []
The core features offered by the custom TelegramClient
live under the
directory, with some utilities, enhancements, the _core
plugin, and the _inline_bot
- Only two of the environment variables are mandatory.
- This is because of
: You can get this value from https://my.telegram.orgAPI_HASH
: You can get this value from
- The userbot will work without setting the non-mandatory environment variables.
The modular design of the project enhances your Telegram experience through plugins which you can enable or disable on demand.
Each plugin gets the borg
, logger
, Config
, tgbot
to ease their use. Thus creating a plugin as easy as adding
a new file under the plugin directory to do the job:
# stdplugins/
from telethon import events
from uniborg.util import admin_cmd
async def handler(event):
await event.reply("hey")
Check out the already-mentioned plugins directory, or some third-party plugins to learn how to write your own, and consider reading Telethon's documentation.