Lua plugin for quickly opening terraform documentation for resources and data sources.
Currently this only works for resources and data sources. Some functionality for modules to come later.
You do not need terraform installed to use this, it is only fetching webpage data from github and the terraform registry.
Install using a package manager.
With Packer: use 'AmbiguousYeoman/terradocs.nvim'
With vim-plug: Plug 'AmbiguousYeoman/terradocs.nvim'
With lazy.nvim, create the file ~/.config/nvim/lua/plugins/terradocs.lua
return {
config = function ()
require('terradocs').setup {}
When your cursor is on a line with a resource or data source call the command :TFSearch
By default there is a mapping for <leader>t
It will first open a floating window with markdown, if you wish to read the documentation in your browser press Enter when on the floating window.