I'm passionate about combining technology with amateur radio! Here’s what I’m currently working on:
- 🔭 CalamariDash: Integrating Affirmatech's HamDash and popular logging applications to enable Linux contesters to display real-time scores on a shared leaderboard with other participants.
- 🤖 K3AYV's MeshBot: A Python-based library of additional features designed to be added to Meshtastic nodes, ranging from fun to utilitarian. Future plans include making it modular, with a GUI for easier user customization. More expansive features are also in the works, aiming to benefit the entire community where the bot is being served over the mesh.
- 🌐 CouponSheet: A Node.js app that provides coupon redemption functionality, serving coupon data from a MariaDB database, and sending email notifications upon coupon redemption.
- 👯 I’m always open to collaborating on amateur radio applications.
- 💬 Ham radio, server building, creating music, or Baltimore history—these are some of my many passions!
- Radios: Yaesu FT-710, Anytone AT-778UV, Cobra 25 LTD Classic
- RCA VH226F Antenna Rotator, ATU-100 tuner, AME iambic paddles, Diamond SX40C and RadioShack SWR/Power Meters, Yaesu YP150 150w Dummy Load, 757 Built custom switching power supply
- Antennas: 35' end fed random wire using stainless steel rodent mesh as counterpoise, 6m vertical dipole, and Cushcraft A124WB 4 element yagi for VHF
- Computers: Custom built server click to see specs
- Matrix Portal M4 with animated graphics to enhance the vibes!
- 📫 Email: [email protected]
- 🌐 Website: AmericanSquid.com
- 🔗 QRZ Page: QRZ.com/db/K3AYV
- 😄 Pronouns: he/him/his
73 from K3AYV!