RubyMine - IDE
JDoodle - Online Ruby IDE
Challenge successfully completed with Mega Satish
- Day 1 - Installation of IDE, Variables and User Input
- Day 2 - Methods and Conditional if-else
- Day 3 - Classes and Objects
- Day 4 - Getter, Setter and to_s Method
- Day 5 - Class Variable and Self Method
- Day 6 - Loops
- Day 7 - Break, Next and Redo Statement
- Day 8 - Block and Yield with/without parameters
- Day 9 - Module Concept with Class
- Day 10 - require, require_relative, include statement
- Day 11 - Array Basics and Fundamentals
- Day 12 - 2D Arrays
- Day 13 - Hash
- Day 14 - Random Numbers and Menu Class
- Day 15 - Inheritance
- Day 16 - Operator Overloading
- Day 17 - Freezing Objects and Linguistics Package
- Day 18 - Proc and Lambda
- Day 19 - Arity method and Difference between Proc & Lambda
- Day 20 - Date and Time
- Day 21 - TicTacToe Game in Ruby
- Day 22 - Hangman Game in Ruby
- Day 23 - Installation and First Web Page
- Day 24 - Website
- Day 25 - CRUD Database
- Day 26 - Bootstrap
- Day 27 - Devise & Style Devise
- Day 28 - User Association & Rails Association
- Day 29 - List Style & Rails Controller
- Day 30 - Heroku Deployment
RailsFriends - It is a simple Friends List App using Ruby on Rails with SQLite3 database.
TicTacToe - It is a simple TicTacToe Game in Ruby.
Hangman - It is a simple Hangman Game in Ruby.
ππ» Created to Learn Ruby ππ»
π· Project Authors: Amey Thakur and Mega Satish