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Cycle-level Disaggregated Memory Simulator

Instructions to use cycle-level Disaggregated Memory Simulation Tool:

  • Simulation has to be started in two steps simultaneously:

    • In the first step, instances (as per the number of nodes required to simulate) of pintool need to be started with the respective workloads to start production of instruction trace.

    • In the second step, the simulator needs to be started to simulate the produced instructions traces of each node (one trace for each node).

    • Instruction traces of multiple workloads can also be produced to represent traces for one-node (Multi-program support, not properly tested)

Instructions to compile Detailed Cycle-Level Simulation model:

  • The tool needs to set paths, either add pin-paths or copy this whole directory to the $pin-path/source/tools/detail/ (/detail is the new directory to be created)
  • Download DRACKSim2 from
  • Extract DRAMSim2 in this directory and name it as DRAMSim2
  • Apply DRAMSim2.patch on the extracted DRAMSim2 directory to apply all the modifications that we made on it and copy files from DRAMSIM2_ini/ to ini/ in DRAMSIM2:
patch -p1 < DRAMSim2.patch

go inside DRAMSim2 and build DRAMSim2 as a library:

cd DRAMSim2
cd ..
  • Download and install the boost library in your system from or use the copy we provide in this repo.
  • Extract boost in the same directory
  • Set the number of nodes and remote memory pools in the mem_defs.cpp
  • Set the number of instructions or simulation cycles to simulate in the main.cpp
  • Create executable using 'make sim'

Instructions for producing instruction traces:

  • After copying this to $pin-path/source/tools/ use 'make pin' command to compile the instruction trace tool
  • Start as many instruction trace Pintools, as the number of nodes you set in the mem_defs.h (This is required, otherwise simulation will not start)
  • Samples for using the instruction trace tool are given in the 'bash'
  • After every simulation, use 'bash', because the simulator creates shared memory variables and might create trouble during the next simulation if the execution was stopped in-between. will clear all the shared memory variables. Also kill the running workload (to be automated in next updates).

#Starting Simulation:

  • For simplification, you can either use multiple terminal windows or install 'screen' utility on your system
  • In first terminal, run 'bash' to start production of instruction traces. You can specify different options while starting this tool.
    • '- N x' : Mention the node number 'x' (mandatory argument)
    • '-T 1/0' : '1' will only simulate multi-threaded part of the workload
    • '-S n' : skip 'n' initial instructions
    • '-S' and '-T' can be used together; skipping will be done in multi-threaded part if '-T 1' is used.
    • '-M' : Number of instructions to trace and simulate (default 10M)
  • In the second terminal, start simulator DRackSim and pass the name of the output directory to it, e.g., ' ./DRackSim $OutDir numINST (10M default) '
  • The simulation will start and continue until the exit condition arrives.
  • The frequency of printing results can be changed using pre-processor #Result_cycle in main.cpp