A web collaborative and strategic game developed which applies concepts of Nash equilibrium.
Documentation 1 / Iteration 1:
- basic server-client connections using websocket and socket.io.
- Logics of game implemented.
- Round score as well as overall score.
- Logging events on web server.
- QoS and Security changes
- Disabled editing of "submit" "button" in client side HTML.
- Can not press "submit" "button" without selected an option of amount of fish.
- Modules/Software Implemented Server : Node.js, Express.js, socket.io,
- Modules/Software Implemented Client : HTML, CSS, Javascript Vanilla, socket.io - client
- Methodology Details :
- Implemented socket connectection from web server to the clients using socket.io. Event Listeners on client side are mainly click events and socket based event listeners
- Whereas, the server side, the event listeners include the socket listeners as well as the express server listeners.
- A setInterval() function is used every 1 millisecond to update the corresponding player object on the client side. This is important because to handle client side logics, the client must know the information about the player and what the server has received about the player.
- Information is passed between the client and server in various ways, some of them are global emits and some are based on per client or per socket.
Documentation 2 / Iteration 2:
- Player can view their ID (first 4 characters of socket.id)
- Position of Next Round button is more accessible now.
- Methodology Details :
- Implemented a _gameState Object which holds all the global values for a game instance : If everyone has submitted their answers, If a game should move to next round, The Players array of player objects, Round Number.
- HotFixes :
- Fixed a bug where the a player could spam "Next Round" by himself and the game state would change. Now everyone has to click "Next Round".
- Fixed a bug where if a player clicks "Next Round" after selecting a choice, the choice would be cleared. Now the choice stays in the buffer until they either change their choice manually or click "Submit".
- Fixed a bug where if a player clicks "Next Round" after everyone has clicked "Next Round", he could still manipulate the server value of the Round Count. This caused problems in different instances later in the game.
- Fixed a bug where one person leaving the game would not change the number of players in the "players" array of objects in "_gameState" Object.
- Known Issues :
- The game can only be played properly between 4 people with constant connection. If a player leaves, the game can not proceed to next round as it requires 4 votes to move on. However, if a new player joins, the game can move on. However, only that new user will have a clean slate of score, the rest of the players still will have the previous scores. This is assuming the player joins before a round starts. If the 4th player leaves after clicking "Submit" but NOT "Next Round", then the game will be stuck forever and the server needs to be restarted.
- Methodology Details :