Mascot was created to let my ultimate frisbee team know about the game schedule and our weekly standing. Every week, I am in charge of letting my team know who we're playing against, the colour jersey to wear, and the field number to play at. Now, with this idea, I can hopefully make it easier to inform everyone.
Currently, I am able to scrape using Beautiful Soup from the league website itself ( to obtain our weekly schedule and standings, and City of Guelph website ( to get field status.
Some useful commands:
!st = shows the current standing with the team's places, wins, losses, and points/spirit
!game = shows the information of the given date informing the opponent team, colour jersey, and field number
!everyone = @everyone the same info as !game but instead, pings everyone on server (useful for certain servers)
!at = take attendence with reaction buttons for teammates to use
!field - scrapes off of City of Guelph site to show field status
!command - list of commands