Example web shop built with Next.js and Keystone.js
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Next.js E-commerce is an example online shop built with React.js and Keystone.js.
- Next.js (React.js framework)
- Typescript with
- React Hook Form
- Keystone.js
- Mongo DB
- Chakra UI
- Stripe
- Mailgun
Some features:
- Role-based Permissions (only a user with permissions can see "Edit" and "Delete" button for a product and can perform these actions, etc.)
- Debounced Product Search with DownshiftJS
- Incremental Static Site Generation for product pages
- Server-Side Rendering for showing orders and updating products
- Advanced Usage of Apollo Cache for a snappy user experience by manipulating the Apollo Cache with
- Form Validation with React Hook Form
- Automatic Deployment via Docker Swarm and GitLab CI
- Testing with React Testing Library and Jest
I've deployed a demo (via GitOps/Gitlab CI) to a $5 Upcloud VPS (How?).
Backend: https://nextjs-ecommerce-keystone.repository.host
GraphQL API: https://nextjs-ecommerce-keystone.repository.host/api/graphql
Frontend: https://nextjs-ecommerce.repository.host
The password reset uses a sandboxed Mailgun account and only works with one email: [email protected]
To read the password reset email, go to https://www.guerrillamail.com/ and set the inbox to "[email protected]".
You can find more screenshots in the screenshots/ folder.
To get a local copy up and running follow these steps.
yarn v1
npm install yarn -g
Docker and Docker Compose
Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/sophiabrandt/nextjs-ecommerce.git
Install NPM packages
yarn install
Run docker-compose:
docker-compose up -d
Create configuration file for the backend (
), seebackend/sample.env
. -
Create configuration file for the frontend (
), seefrontend/sample.env
cd backend && yarn run dev
cd frontend && yarn run dev
Go to http://localhost:7771 for the Keystone CMS (backend) and http://localhost:7777 for the Next.js application (frontend).
If you want to use Caddy, you can use the included Caddyfile for automatic HTTPS certificates in local development.
sudo caddy run
Node.js will complain about the missing certificate issuer. For local development, ignore the error with NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED = '0'
cd frontend
The frontend app is available at https://frontend.app.localhost. You can reach the backend app at https://backend.app.localhost/.
cd backend && yarn run test
cd frontend && yarn run test
See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).
Sophia Brandt - @hisophiabrandt
Project Link: https://github.com/sophiabrandt/nextjs-ecommerce