✔️ 🔨 monitor Xhr、Fetch、wx.request
✔️ 🔨 monitor console、wx.console
✔️ 🔨 monitor route change(hashroute、browser route、wx route)
✔️ 🔨 monitor code error、resource load error
✔️ 🔨 monitor click、wx:tab、wx:touchmove
✔️ 👌 rich hooks and options configuration doc
✔️ 👌 support web(>= IE8)@mitojs/browser
✔️ 👌 support framework with Vue3、Vue2.6@mitojs/vue、React@latest@mitojs/react
✔️ 👌 support native wxmini、uni-app、remax framework etc @mitojs/wx-mini
here is document.Build your first demo in 2 min or less:
# using npm
npm i @mitojs/browser
# using yarn
yarn add @mitojs/browser
import { init } from '@mitojs/browser'
const MitoInstance = init({
// set debug true to convenient debugger in dev,set false in prod
dsn: 'https://test.com/yourInterface',
maxBreadcrumbs: 100
more usage info of @mitojs/browser
click here
here are some demo for sdk of collecting data
react-sdk-demo:Use @mitojs/react in react@next
vue3-sdk-demo:Use @mitojs/vue in Vue3.x
welcome to raise issue, you can contact me on wx or email if you have some good suggestion(notes: mitojs)
send resume to email:[email protected]
bytedance introduce:(Hanghou、Beijing、Shanghai、Shenzhen、Guangzhou)
- hangzhou-jobs(web infrastructure、platform architecture etc.)