A collection—in the making—of free API calls to some useful tools when prototyping or even creating production ready websites & webapps.
Bruno will generate the actual code for each request, in close to 40 languages or variations. Ready to copy/paste or customise further, and a lot more.
Each API is an actual folder, and each request a .bru file that contains everything, including eventual doccumentation, in a legible way.
Install Bruno.
Clone that Repo.
Open the cloned folder with Bruno.
If needed, place secret variables in your local .env
Requests can also be tested from the terminal with the Bruno CLI
First things first, something to kick-off
- GitHub REST API: Examples without or with an API-Key from
- Dog API: Random Dog image
- CatAAS: Random Cat image
- JSONPlaceholder: Posts, Comments, Albums, Photos, Todos, Users
- DummyJSON: Images, Auth, Products, Carts, Reciepes, Users, Posts, Comments, Todos, Quotes, Custom ...
- WeatherAPI.com: Weather of the day, forecast & more. Nice free plan.