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Update from Friday March 27
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
- [React Native] Sync from github | Amjad Masad
- [react-packager] Watch asset roots for changes to update dependency graph | Amjad Masad
- Fix sourceTree of RCTActionSheet.xcodeproj | Alex Kotliarskyi
- Cancel contents animation before setting new contents in RCTNetworkImageView | Alex Akers
- [react-packager] move dependencies to root package.json | Amjad Masad
- Fix font crash on iOS < 8.2 | Nick Lockwood
- [react-packager] Fix node v0.11.14 query parse bug | Amjad Masad
- [ReactNative][Docs] Remove references to ReactNavigator from docs | Tadeu Zagallo
- [CLI] react-native start won't run from dir with spaces | Amjad Masad
- Revert .buckversion bumps. | Jakub Zika
- [react_native] Update default bundle name to org.reactjs.native.* | Krzysztof Magiera
- [react-packager] better error when main file not found | Amjad Masad
- [React Kit] Remove embarrassing TODOs | Alex Akers
- [ReactNative][MAdMan] Clean up after D1942269 | Philipp von Weitershausen
- flowify a few more Libraries | Basil Hosmer
- [ReactNative] PushNotificationIOS documentation | Eric Vicenti
- [ReactNative][CustomComponents] Update old headers | Tadeu Zagallo
- [ReactNative] UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance = NO in SampleApp | Alex Kotliarskyi
- [React Native] Fix CocoaPods spec | Alex Akers
- [ReactNative] Navigator Example Overhaul | Eric Vicenti
- [React Native] Fix incorrect if-statement in RCTGeolocation | Alex Akers
- [ReactNative] s/ReactKit/React/g | Tadeu Zagallo
- [React Native] [FRC - Don't accept] View border support | Nick Lockwood
- [Assets] Allow scripts to override assetRoots | Amjad Masad
- [ReactNative] Navigator docs | Eric Vicenti
- [ReactNative] License headers and renaming | Eric Vicenti
- [React Native] Add CocoaPods spec | Tadeu Zagallo
- Added explicit types for all view properties | Nick Lockwood
- [ReactNative] s/ReactNavigator/Navigator/ | Tadeu Zagallo
- [ReactNative] Add copyright header for code copied from the jQuery UI project | Martin Konicek
- [ReactNative] PanResponder documentation | Eric Vicenti
- [ReactNative] Add deep linking api | Tadeu Zagallo
- [ReactNative] Add gitignore example for SampleApp | Alex Kotliarskyi
- [ReactNative] Add react-native-start bin to react-native packge | Alex Kotliarskyi
- [ReactNative] Update package.json to be npm-ready | Christopher Chedeau
- [RFC][ReactNative] Integrate dev menu directly into RootView | Alex Kotliarskyi
- flowify Libraries/ReactIOS | Marshall Roch
- [WIP] Added support for italics and additional font weights | Nick Lockwood
- [ReactNative] Improve View documentation | Christopher Chedeau
- [react-packager] Readme | Amjad Masad
- Fix for incorrect contentSize reported by RCTScrollView | Nick Lockwood
- [ReactNative] Flow and doc formatting for NetInfo | Eric Vicenti
- [ReactNative] Document AppStateIOS | Eric Vicenti
- [MAdMan][Android] Make things look more Androidy | Philipp von Weitershausen
- flowified Libraries from Avik | Basil Hosmer
- flowify some Libraries | Basil Hosmer
- [ReactKit] Add shake development menu | Alex Kotliarskyi
- [ReactNative] Add debugger and change SampleApp files structure | Alex Kotliarskyi
- Flowify ReactIOSEventEmitter | Marshall Roch
- [react_native] JS files from D1941151: Allow fontWeight to be 100,200,...,900 | Krzysztof Magiera
- [ReactNative] Add snapshot tests for examples | Spencer Ahrens
- [ReactNative] bring back some native modules | Spencer Ahrens
- [ReactNative] Rename JSNavigationStack to ReactNavigator, rename scene config | Eric Vicenti
- [ReactNative] cleanup view example | Spencer Ahrens
- Flowify a bunch of Libraries | Marshall Roch
- [ReactNative] JSNavigationStack - Use key to blow away old scenes | Eric Vicenti
- [ReactNative] Add more logging to RCTJSONParse | Sumeet Vaidya
- Unfork UIManager | Nick Lockwood
- [react-packager] kill non-standard RAW_SOURCE_MAP | Amjad Masad
- Flowify Libraries/StyleSheet and Libraries/Text | Marshall Roch
- [ReactNative] Fix OSS Dependency Issues | Eric Vicenti
- [react-packager] Fix more issues with node modules | Amjad Masad
- [ReactNative] rename navigationOperations to navigator | Eric Vicenti
- JS files from D1936817: Add to XMLHttpRequest android and share code with ios | Olivia Bishop
- flowify some Libraries | Basil Hosmer
- last batch of UIExplorer flowification | Basil Hosmer
- [ReactNative] JSNavigationStack rename routeMapper to renderSceneForRoute | Eric Vicenti
- Flowify renderApplication | Marshall Roch
- [ReactNative] OSS Responder example | Eric Vicenti
- [ReactNative] Use oss TimerMixin | Tadeu Zagallo
- [ReactNative] Remove auto permission request from setAppIconBadgeNumber | Tadeu Zagallo
- [ReactNative] OSS snapshot tests | Spencer Ahrens
- [ReactNative] OSS JSNavigationStack w/ Examples | Eric Vicenti
- Fix build - remove relative import path | Jakub Zika
- Bump .buckversion to a5b8b8ef45d714018ba3542cf98d48ef6aab7088. | Jakub Zika
- [ReactNative] Open Source PushNotifications and move Badge Number methods and permission into it | Tadeu Zagallo
- [react-packager] Fix regression with transform errors | Amjad Masad
- Flowify TextStylePropTypes and fix a bug with unsupported props | Marshall Roch
- [ReactNative] Remove `arc build` instructions from require | Alex Kotliarskyi
- Flowify Library/Utilities/ | Marshall Roch
- [react-packager] Default to index.js from main if it's a dir | Amjad Masad
- [ReactNative] Use deprecated ix in TabBarExample | Amjad Masad
- [ReactNative] Expanded license on obj-c files | Christopher Chedeau
- [ReactNative] Expanded license on js files | Christopher Chedeau
- [ReactNative] Fix React Devtools integration | Alex Kotliarskyi
- [Text] Account for font leading so descenders are not clipped | Alex Kotliarskyi
- [ReactNative] Expanded license on js packager files | Christopher Chedeau
- more UIExplorer flow | Basil Hosmer
- [react-packager] Pick up package changes while running | Amjad Masad
- Added a graph view and a ReactNative metric that displays current queue and execution time for the JS thread. | Bryce Redd
- [ReactNative] Add NativeModules and DeviceEventEmitter to react-native exports | Alex Kotliarskyi
- [React Native] Fix iOS 7 crashes b/c missing Photos.fmwk | Alex Akers
- UIExplorer flowification | Basil Hosmer
- Add clearImmediate module | Marshall Roch
- [ReactNative] Print directories packager is serving files from | Alex Kotliarskyi
- Work around flow bug with exports | Marshall Roch
- [ReactNative] Move packager/ to GitHub | Alex Kotliarskyi
- [ReactNative] Remove react-native/package.json | Christopher Chedeau
- [ReactNative] Returning actual contentSize for RCTScrollViewManager | Henry Lung
- declare timeoutID | Basil Hosmer
- [ReactNative] Add root package.json name back | Tadeu Zagallo
- [react-packager] Allow entry point extensions like .ios.js | Amjad Masad
- [react-native] Use SpreadProperty to make react-docgen happy | Felix Kling
- clean Examples/2048 | Basil Hosmer
- [ReactNative] Adjust packager default root when running from within node_modules | Alex Kotliarskyi
- [ReactNative] Add missing websocket dependency | Alex Kotliarskyi
- [react-packager] change all but one `ix` to `require` | Amjad Masad
- [react-packager] Make sure projectRoots is converted to an array | Amjad Masad
- [ReactNative] Init script that bootstraps new Xcode project | Alex Kotliarskyi
- [ReactNative] New SampleApp | Alex Kotliarskyi
- [ReactNative] Touchable invoke press on longPress when longPress handler missing | Eric Vicenti
- [ReactNative] Commit missing RCTWebSocketDebugger.xcodeproj | Alex Kotliarskyi
  • Loading branch information
amasad committed Mar 27, 2015
1 parent 3b7bd74 commit 31c4ff0
Show file tree
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Showing 37 changed files with 750 additions and 672 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Examples/SampleApp/SampleApp.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
/* Begin PBXFileReference section */
00481BDB1AC0C7FA00671115 /* RCTWebSocketDebugger.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = RCTWebSocketDebugger.xcodeproj; path = ../../Libraries/RCTWebSocketDebugger/RCTWebSocketDebugger.xcodeproj; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
00481BE91AC0C89D00671115 /* libicucore.dylib */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "compiled.mach-o.dylib"; name = libicucore.dylib; path = usr/lib/libicucore.dylib; sourceTree = SDKROOT; };
00C302A71ABCB8CE00DB3ED1 /* RCTActionSheet.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = RCTActionSheet.xcodeproj; path = ../../Libraries/ActionSheetIOS/RCTActionSheet.xcodeproj; sourceTree = "<absolute>"; };
00C302A71ABCB8CE00DB3ED1 /* RCTActionSheet.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = RCTActionSheet.xcodeproj; path = ../../Libraries/ActionSheetIOS/RCTActionSheet.xcodeproj; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
00C302AF1ABCB8E700DB3ED1 /* RCTAdSupport.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = RCTAdSupport.xcodeproj; path = ../../Libraries/AdSupport/RCTAdSupport.xcodeproj; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
00C302B51ABCB90400DB3ED1 /* RCTGeolocation.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = RCTGeolocation.xcodeproj; path = ../../Libraries/Geolocation/RCTGeolocation.xcodeproj; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
00C302BB1ABCB91800DB3ED1 /* RCTImage.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = RCTImage.xcodeproj; path = ../../Libraries/Image/RCTImage.xcodeproj; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
Expand Down
292 changes: 88 additions & 204 deletions Examples/UIExplorer/Navigator/BreadcrumbNavSample.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,245 +15,133 @@

var React = require('react-native');
var {
} = React;

var SAMPLE_TEXT = 'Top Pushes. Middle Replaces. Bottom Pops.';

var _getRandomRoute = function() {
return {
backButtonTitle: 'Back' + ('' + 10 * Math.random()).substr(0, 1),
SAMPLE_TEXT + '\nHere\'s a random number ' + Math.random(),
title: Math.random() > 0.5 ? 'Hello' : 'There',
rightButtonTitle: Math.random() > 0.5 ? 'Right' : 'Button',
title: '#' + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 1000),

var SampleNavigationBarRouteMapper = {
rightContentForRoute: function(route, navigator) {
if (route.rightButtonTitle) {
return (
<Text style={[styles.titleText, styles.filterText]}>
} else {
return null;
titleContentForRoute: function(route, navigator) {
class NavButton extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
onPress={() => navigator.push(_getRandomRoute())}>
<Text style={styles.titleText}>{route.title}</Text>
iconForRoute: function(route, navigator) {
var onPress =
navigator.popToRoute.bind(navigator, route);
return (
<TouchableHighlight onPress={onPress}>
<View style={styles.crumbIconPlaceholder} />
separatorForRoute: function(route, navigator) {
return (
<TouchableHighlight onPress={navigator.pop}>
<View style={styles.crumbSeparatorPlaceholder} />
<Text style={styles.buttonText}>{this.props.text}</Text>

var _delay = 400; // Just to test for race conditions with native nav.

var renderScene = function(route, navigator) {
var content = route.content;
return (
<View style={styles.scene}>
<View style={styles.button}>
<Text style={styles.buttonText}>request push soon</Text>
<View style={styles.button}>
<View style={styles.button}>
<View style={styles.button}>
<View style={styles.button}>
<View style={styles.button}>
<View style={styles.button}>
<Text style={styles.buttonText}>request pop soon</Text>
<View style={styles.button}>
<Text style={styles.buttonText}>Immediate set two routes</Text>
<View style={styles.button}>
<Text style={styles.buttonText}>pop to top soon</Text>

var _popToTopLater = function(popToTop) {
return () => setTimeout(popToTop, _delay);

var _pushRouteLater = function(push) {
return () => setTimeout(
() => push(_getRandomRoute()),

var _immediatelySetTwoItemsLater = function(immediatelyResetRouteStack) {
return () => setTimeout(
() => immediatelyResetRouteStack([

var _popRouteLater = function(pop) {
return () => setTimeout(pop, _delay);

var BreadcrumbNavSample = React.createClass({

getInitialState: function() {
return {
selectedTab: 0,
componentWillMount: function() {
this._navBarRouteMapper = {
rightContentForRoute: function(route, navigator) {
return null;
titleContentForRoute: function(route, navigator) {
return (
onPress={() => navigator.push(_getRandomRoute())}>
<Text style={styles.titleText}>{route.title}</Text>
iconForRoute: function(route, navigator) {
return (
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => {
<View style={styles.crumbIconPlaceholder} />
separatorForRoute: function(route, navigator) {
return (
<TouchableOpacity onPress={navigator.pop}>
<View style={styles.crumbSeparatorPlaceholder} />

_renderScene: function(route, navigator) {
return (
<ScrollView style={styles.scene}>
onPress={() => { navigator.push(_getRandomRoute()) }}
onPress={() => { navigator.immediatelyResetRouteStack([_getRandomRoute(), _getRandomRoute()]) }}
text="Reset w/ 2 scenes"
onPress={() => { navigator.popToTop() }}
text="Pop to top"
onPress={() => { navigator.replace(_getRandomRoute()) }}
onPress={() => { this.props.navigator.pop(); }}
text="Close breadcrumb example"

render: function() {
var initialRoute = {
backButtonTitle: 'Start', // no back button for initial scene
content: SAMPLE_TEXT,
title: 'Campaigns',
rightButtonTitle: 'Filter',
return (
selected={this.state.selectedTab === 0}
onPress={this.onTabSelect.bind(this, 0)}
selected={this.state.selectedTab === 1}
onPress={this.onTabSelect.bind(this, 1)}
configureScene={() => Navigator.SceneConfigs.FloatFromBottom}

onTabSelect: function(tab, event) {
if (this.state.selectedTab !== tab) {
this.setState({selectedTab: tab});


var styles = StyleSheet.create({
navigationItem: {
backgroundColor: '#eeeeee',
scene: {
paddingTop: 50,
flex: 1,
button: {
backgroundColor: '#cccccc',
margin: 50,
marginTop: 26,
padding: 10,
backgroundColor: 'white',
padding: 15,
borderBottomWidth: 1 / PixelRatio.get(),
borderBottomColor: '#CDCDCD',
buttonText: {
fontSize: 12,
textAlign: 'center',
fontSize: 17,
fontWeight: '500',
appContainer: {
container: {
overflow: 'hidden',
backgroundColor: '#dddddd',
flex: 1,
Expand All @@ -262,13 +150,9 @@ var styles = StyleSheet.create({
fontSize: 18,
color: '#666666',
textAlign: 'center',
fontWeight: '500',
fontWeight: 'bold',
lineHeight: 32,
filterText: {
color: '#5577ff',
// TODO: Accept icons from route.
crumbIconPlaceholder: {
flex: 1,
backgroundColor: '#666666',
Expand Down

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