A Lua library for PostgREST.
- authentication support
- insert support
- select support
- basic (select wildcard)
- vertical filtering
- horizontal filtering
- update support
- delete support
- RPC support
luarocks install postgrest
We also need to install one JSON library such as cjson
or dkjson
luarocks install dkjson
With PostgREST:
local Database = require "postgrest.database"
local cjson = require "cjson"
local api_base_url = "http://localhost:3000"
local db_instance = Database:new(api_base_url)
local todos = db_instance:from("todos"):select():execute()
-- or alternatively
local todos = db_instance("todos"):select():execute()
With Supabase:
local Database = require "postgrest.database"
local cjson = require "cjson"
local project_id = os.getenv("SUPABASE_PROJECT_ID")
local public_anon_key = os.getenv("SUPABASE_PUBLIC_ANON_KEY")
local service_role_key = os.getenv("SUPABASE_SERVICE_ROLE_KEY")
local api_base_url = "https://" .. project_id .. ".supabase.co/rest/v1"
local auth_headers = {apikey = public_anon_key, authorization = "Bearer " .. service_role_key}
local supabase = Database:new(api_base_url, auth_headers)
local todos = supabase:from("todos"):select():execute()
Injecting a JSON library:
local lunajson = require "lunajson"
local todos = Database:from("todos"):select():execute()
local values = {done = true, task = "insert support"}
Vertical filtering:
QueryBuilder:select("column1", "column2")
-- or alternatively
QueryBuilder:select{"column1", "column2"}
Horizontal filtering:
db_instance:from("todos"):select():filter{id__eq = 1}:execute()
-- or alternatively
db_instance:from("todos"):select():filter{id = 1}:execute()
-- or alternatively
-- we also support the `in` operator using tables:
db_instance:from("todos"):select():filter{id__in = {1, 2, 3}}:execute()
Same goes for other operators described in the PostgREST documentation: https://postgrest.org/en/stable/api.html#operators
local values = {done = true, task = "learn lua"}
db_instance:from("todos"):delete():filter{id = 4}:execute()
It's possible to log the requests to the REST API by using a logger callback.
function request_logger(method, url, payload, headers)
print("method: " .. method .. " url: " .. url)
Database.request_logger = request_logger
Install dependencies:
make luarocks
Start the PostgreSQL database, the PostgREST service and load fixtures:
make docker/compose/recreate
make docker/compose/psql/init
Then run the tests:
make test
Teardown everything:
make docker/compose/down
make format
make lint