A simple node package that lets you manage your Mountebank test server. Based on https://www.npmjs.com/package/@toincrease/node-mountebank, but
- updated/removed vulnerable packages,
- modernized the code and
- added ability to create very simple proxies.
Install Mountebank:
npm install -g mountebank --production
Start Mountebank:
I recommend reading the Mountebank documentation for a deeper understanding of their API.
const mb = new Mountebank();
let imposter = new Imposter().withPort(port).withStub(
new DefaultStub(testPath, HttpMethod.GET, 'testbody', 222));
await mb.createImposter(imposter);
A simple proxy which always proxies the request and records the responses. This is useful to
- 'debug' traffic during tests or
- record traffic between APIs to use as template for building imposters.
// forward all requestsfrom port 5000 => 5001 and generate response stubs
let proxyImposter = new Imposter()
.withStub(new Stub()
.withProxy(new DebugProxy(`http://localhost:5001}`)));
await mb.createImposter(proxyImposter);