ismir-home Public
Forked from ismir/ismir-homeISMIR Homepage in Jekyll
Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 30, 2023 -
vector-quantize-pytorch Public
Forked from lucidrains/vector-quantize-pytorchVector Quantization, in Pytorch
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 18, 2023 -
mirdata Public
Forked from mir-dataset-loaders/mirdataPython library to work with Music Information Retrieval datasets
Unsupervised-Heterogeneous-Graph-Neural-Network-for-Hit-Song-Prediction-through-One-Class-Learning Public
Repositório descrição
musicnn Public
Forked from jordipons/musicnnPronounced as "musician", musicnn is a set of pre-trained deep convolutional neural networks for music audio tagging.
streetsValeRibeira Public
Forked from PARSECworld/streetsValeRibeira -
notebooks Public
Forked from giuseppefutia/notebooksJupyter notebooks for testing ML models
AngeloMendes.github.io Public
Forked from academicpages/academicpages.github.ioGithub Pages template for academic personal websites, forked from mmistakes/minimal-mistakes
Explore_GCN Public
Forked from imayachita/Explore_GCNExplore Graph Convolutional Networks
LogDel12 Public
Repositório com a solução para problema da Ambev - BrasaHacks
PushSNSTest Public
Forked from xap5xap/PushSNSTestPush notification react native example that uses Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) and Google Cloud messaging (GCM)
downloadAudioYoutube Public
Método para extração e download de áudios em vídeos do Youtube.
spotifly Public
App desenvolvido usando react no treinamento da app master
svmpy Public
Forked from ajtulloch/svmpyBasic soft-margin kernel SVM implementation in Python
matematicaDiscreta Public
Repositório para disciplina Matemática Discreta
PostRequest-ESP8266 Public
Exemplo de requisição post com Arduino Due e ESP 8266.
ESP8266-TeensyLC-ThingSpeak Public
Forked from clovisf/ESP8266-TeensyLC-ThingSpeakReading analog values (A0..A2) from Teensy LC and sending it to ThingSpeak through ESP8266 (Wifi)
ESP8266_Simple Public
Forked from sleemanj/ESP8266_SimpleA simple Arduino library to perform HTTP operations on the ESP8266 Wifi Device
IWantToWorkAtGloboCom Public
Forked from douglas/IWantToWorkAtGloboComVocê é web dev? Quer trabalhar no maior portal da América Latina? Esse repositório é pra você