You can get miniconda from if you don't have it, or install the dependencies from environment.yml
git clone
conda env update --name cs182-procgen --file cs182-procgen/environment.yml
conda activate cs182-procgen
pip install -e cs182-procgen
Train to match best runs:
python -m train --num_levels 200 --num_timesteps 5000000 --results_loc "exp/best_model" --save_frequency 60
Run evaluation on best model:
python -m train --num_levels 100 --num_timesteps 100000 --results_loc "exp/best_model/checkpoints/00600" --save_frequency 60 --start_level 200 --eval True
For more detailed experiments, you may run the above with any number of flags:
--env_name ENV_NAME env to run on from procgen
--num_envs NUM_ENVS number of environments run simultaneously
--distribution_mode {easy,hard,exploration,memory,extreme}
level difficulty
--num_levels NUM_LEVELS
number of levels to train/test on
--start_level START_LEVEL
start level (used to avoid testing on seen levels)
--num_timesteps NUM_TIMESTEPS
number of timesteps total to train/test on
--save_frequency SAVE_FREQUENCY
checkpoint frequency
--model_loc MODEL_LOC
location of pretrained model
--results_loc RESULTS_LOC
location of where to save current model/logs
--eval EVAL if true, does not update model
--data_aug DATA_AUG whether to apply data augmentation
--gray_p GRAY_P p value for grayscale data augmentation
--value_fn {fc,gmm,lbmdp}
value function for ppo2 critic
--cnn_fn {impala_cnn,nature_cnn,impala_cnn_lstm,lstm}
cnn for featurization
--entropy_fn {constant,scaled}
function for entropy loss coefficient
--ent_coef ENT_COEF coefficient applied to entropy loss
--ent_scalar ENT_SCALAR
coefficient applied within sigmoid to scaled entropy
--seed SEED seed for tensorflow
--gamma GAMMA discount factor
--lam LAM advantage discount factor
--lr LR learning rate for Adam
--imp_h1 IMP_H1 impala cnn first hidden state
--imp_h2 IMP_H2 impala cnn second hidden state
--imp_h3 IMP_H3 impala cnn third hidden state
To see our full (messy) process, please go to