It is not an official application of WhatsApp Inc. Build your own custom client for WhatsApp. Unfortunately there is no official Whatsapp client for Linux operating systems. But we are a Linux users, if it is not exists, we will create it. This is created with latest version of Electron v8
Clone and run this repository you'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer. From your command line:
git clone
cd wazapp
npm install
npm start Create linux executable file
npm run build-linux64
npm run build-linux32
This command will create a folder called Wazapp-linux32(64) that contains the executable file. Now you have to include this file as a startup application of your Linux operating system
If it is not already installed, you have to include electron-packager for creating the linux executable file with the following command:
npm install electron-packager