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Neovim configuration with some personal hacks.


Create file named .nvimrc (also can be _nvimrc on Windows) in home or config directory. It's a pure text file with json syntax. Example:


  // Set `true` if internet connection is unavailable.
  "offline": false,
  // Dependencies
  "dep": {
    // (string|array) Shell
    "sh": ["pwsh", "-nologo"],
    // (string) C compiler
    "cc": "clang",
    // (string) Python3 executable path
    "py3": "python3/executable/path",
    // (string) Proxy
    "proxy": ""
  // Paths
  "path": {
    // (string) Home directory
    "home": "$HOME",
    // (string) Cloud drive directory
    "cloud": "$HOME/cloud",
    // (string) Desktop directory
    "desktop": "$HOME/Desktop",
    // (string) Binaries directory
    "bin": "$HOME/bin"
  // Terminal UI
  "tui": {
    // ("onedark"|"tokyonight"|"gruvbox"|"nightfox"|"onenord") Color scheme
    "scheme": "nightfox",
    // ("dark"|"light") Tui background theme
    "theme": "dark",
    // (string) Style of color scheme
    "style": "nord",
    // (boolean) Make background transparent
    "transparent": false,
    // (boolean) Global statusline
    "global_statusline": false,
    // (string) Floating window border style
    "border": "single",
    // (boolean) nvim-cmp ghost text
    "cmp_ghost": false,
    // (boolean) Dim inactive window automatically
    "auto_dim": false,
    // (boolean) Animation effects
    "animation": false,
    // (boolean) Show current context by indent line
    "show_context": false,
    // (boolean) Enable devicons
    "devicons": false,
    // (string|array) Welcome page title
    "welcome_header": "NEOVIM",
    // (string|array) Bufferline style
    "bufferline_style": "thin"
  // GUI (neovim-qt, fvim, neovide)
  "gui": {
    // ("auto"|"dark"|"light") GUI background theme
    "theme": "auto",
    // (number) Window opacity
    "opacity": 0.98,
    // (boolean) Render ligatures
    "ligature": false,
    // (boolean) Use GUI popup menu
    "popup_menu": false,
    // (boolean) Use GUI tabline
    "tabline": false,
    // (boolean) Use GUI scroll bar
    "scroll_bar": false,
    // (number) Line space
    "line_space": 0.0,
    // (boolean) Cursor blink
    "cursor_blink": false,
    // (number) GUI font size
    "font_size": 13,
    // (string) See `guifont`
    "font_half": "Monospace",
    // (string) See `guifontwide`
    "font_wide": "Monospace"
  // Language Server Protocol
  "lsp": {
    // (boolean|object)
    "clangd": false,
    // (boolean|object)
    "lua_ls": {
      "load": false,
      "settings": {
        "Lua": {
          "runtime": {
            "version": "LuaJIT"
          "diagnostics": {
            "globals": [ "vim" ]
          "workspace": {
            // "${lua_expression}" is allowed.
            "library": "${vim.api.nvim_get_runtime_file('', true)}",
            "checkThirdParty": false
          "telemetry": {
            "enable": false
          "format": {
            "defaultConfig": {
              "indent_style": "space",
              "indent_size": "2"
    // (boolean|object)
    "omnisharp": {
      "load": false,
      // Some LSPs' semantic tokens are not usable
      "disable_semantic_tokens": true
    // (boolean|object)
    "pyright": {
      "load": false,
      // Extra settings, depends on the LSP
      "settings": {
        "python": {
          "analysis": {
            "autoSearchPaths": true,
            "diagnosticMode": "workspace",
            "useLibraryCodeForTypes": true,
            "stubPath": "stubPath",
            "typeCheckingMode": "off"
    // (boolean|object)
    "rust_analyzer": false,
    // (boolean|object)
    "vimls": false
    // And so on...
  // Treesitter
  "ts": {
    // (array) Parsers to install automatically
    "ensure_installed": [],
    // (array) File type to disable treesitter highlight
    "highlight_disable": [],
    // (array) File type to disable vim-matchup
    "matchup_disable": []
  // Debug Adapter Protocol
  "dap": {
    // (boolean)
    "lldb": false,
    // (boolean)
    "netcoredbg": false,
    // (boolean)
    "debugpy": false
  // Disabled built-in plugins
  "disable": [


  • Requirements

  • Clone repository

    • Windows
      git clone --depth=1 `
    • GNU/Linux
      git clone --depth=1 \
  • Start Neovim and wait for the installation to complete

  • Install LSP servers with Mason command (unavailable when offline is true)

  • Set .vimrc for Vim (optional)

    • Windows
      Copy-Item "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\nvim\viml\vimrc.vim" `
                -Destination "$env:HOMEPATH\_vimrc"
    • GNU/Linux
      cp "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.config}"/nvim/viml/vimrc.vim \

Key Bindings

Modifier Key Mode Description
Ctrl S in Save current buffer to file.
Ctrl direction n Adjust window size.
Meta a in Select all text in current buffer.
Meta c v Copy to system clipboard.
Meta d t Close the terminal.
Meta e n nvim-tree.lua find file.
Meta g nv Find and replace.
Meta h nv Goto the window left.
Meta j nv Goto the window below.
Meta k nv Goto the window above.
Meta l nv Goto the window right.
Meta n nv Move line(s) down.
Meta p nv Move line(s) up.
Meta v inv Paste from system clipboard.
Meta w inv Switch window in turns.
Meta x v Cut to system clipboard.
Meta , n Open nvimrc.
Meta CR i Begin a new line below the cursor and insert bullet.
Meta number in Goto tab (Number 1, 2, 3, ..., 9, 0).
Meta B in Toggle Markdown/LaTeX bold.
Meta I in Toggle Markdown/LaTeX italic.
Meta M in Toggle Markdown bold_italic; LaTeX Roman Family.
Meta P in Toggle Markdown block.
Meta U inv Markdown underscore.
Ctrl N inv Cursor down.
Ctrl P inv Cursor up.
Ctrl B ci Cursor left.
Ctrl F ci Cursor right.
Ctrl A ci To the first character of the screen line.
Ctrl E ci To the last character of the screen line.
Ctrl K i Kill text until the end of the line.
Meta b cin Cursor one word left.
Meta f cin Cursor one word right.
Meta d i Kill text until the end of the word.
Meta x in Command-line mode.
* v Search visual selection downward.
# v Search visual selection upward.
F5 n nvim-dap continue debugging; presenting.nvim presenting view.
Shift F5 n CodeRun.
CtrlShift F5 n CodeRun test.
F8 invt Toggle mouse status.
F10 n nvim-dap step over.
Shift F11 n nvim-dap step into.
CtrlShift F11 n nvim-dap step out.
leader bb n bufferline.nvim pick buffer.
leader bc n Set cwd to current buffer directory.
leader bd n Delete current buffer.
leader bg n Toggle background theme.
leader bh n Stop the search highlighting.
leader bn n Goto the next buffer.
leader bp n Goto the previous buffer.
leader cc nv Chinese characters count.
leader cs n Toggle spell check.
leader db n nvim-dap toggle break point.
leader dc n nvim-dap clear break point.
leader dl n nvim-dap run last.
leader dn n nvim-dap-ui toggle dap-ui.
leader dr n nvim-dap toggle REPL window.
leader dt n nvim-dap terminate.
leader ev n Evaluate lua chunk surrounded by backquote.
leader el n Evaluate lisp chunk (math) surrounded by backquote.
leader fb n telescope.nvim buffers.
leader ff n telescope.nvim find files.
leader fg n telescope.nvim live grep.
leader gb n gitsigns.nvim blame line.
leader gn n Neogit open.
leader gh n diffview.nvim open file history in tab.
leader gj n gitsigns.nvim next hunk.
leader gk n gitsigns.nvim previous hunk.
leader gl n toggleterm.nvim open lazygit.
leader gp n gitsigns.nvim preview hunk.
leader gs n Show git status.
leader hb nv Search cword/selection with Baidu.
leader hd nv Search cword/selection with DuckDuckGo.
leader hg nv Search cword/selection with Google.
leader hh nv Search cword/selection with StarDict (requires local dictionary).
leader hy nv Search cword/selection with Youdao dictionary.
leader jm n Toggle jieba-mode.
leader kc nv Comment current/selected line(s).
leader ku nv Uncomment current/selected line(s).
leader l0 n Document symbol.
leader la n Code action.
leader ld n Goto declaration.
leader lf n Goto definition.
leader lh n Signature help.
leader li n Implementation.
leader lk n Show diagnostics in a floating window.
leader lm n Format.
leader ln n Rename.
leader lr n References.
leader lt n Type definition.
leader lw n Work space symbol.
leader l[ n Goto previous diagnostic mark.
leader l] n Goto next diagnostic mark.
leader mf n Fetch recently unseen mails from IMAP server.
leader ml n Regenerate list bullets.
leader mn n Create a new mail(.eml file).
leader ms n Send current buffer as an e-mail.
leader mv n aerial.nvim/VimTeX toggle table of content.
leader mt n Toggle preview (Markdown/Marp/LaTeX/GLSL)
leader mi n glslViewer input.
leader nd n Append the weekday after a date (yyyy-mm-dd).
leader ns n Insert timestamp after cursor.
leader nt n Print TODO list.
leader ob n Open file of buffer with system default browser.
leader oe n Open system file manager.
leader ot n Open terminal.
leader op n nvim-tree.lua toggle.
leader ou n Open path or url under the cursor.
leader sa nv Surrounding add.
leader sc n Surrounding change.
leader sd n Surrounding delete.
leader ta n vim-table-mode add formula.
leader tc n vim-table-mode evaluate formula.
leader tf n vim-table-mode re-align.
leader vs n Show highlight information.
leader zbd v Decode visual selection with base64.
leader zbe v Encode visual selection with base64.

leader is mapped to SPACE.


Command Arguments Description
CodeRun build/test/... Run or compile the code.
BuildDylibs Build crates in $config/rust/ directory.
GlslViewer Open glslViewer.
NvimUpgrade stable/nightly Upgrade neovim by channel.
PushAll -b {branch}
-m {commit}
-r {remote}
Just push everything to the remote.
Time Print date and time.


Neovim configuration with some personal hacks.








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