:technologist: I've worked for about a year as a Blockchain Developer, but now currently working as a Software engineer at KnowCode and I'm a Computer Science Student at UECE
:hearts: Always trying to learn new things and improve myself daily.
:hammer_and_wrench: Coding since 2019 with 3+ years of experience with software development.
const toinho = {
pronouns: "he" | "him",
country: "Brazil",
languages: ["Portuguese", "English"],
code: [Java, NodeJS, Typescript, Html, Css, Javascript, Python, Php, Solidity],
tools: [React, NextJS, NestJS, Springboot, Vertx, Node, Css, Scss, Styled-Components, Web3, Mysql, Posgres, VScode, Github, Git, MongoDB],
architecture: ["microservices", "Model–view–controller"],
age: "22yo"