Kit Space (formerly Kitnic) is a registry of open source hardware electronics projects that are ready to order and build. It could be described as a "Thingiverse for electronics". The most important elements of a Kit Space project page are:
- A prominent link to download the Gerber files and a preview rendering of the board
- The ability to quickly add the required components to a retailer shopping cart (using our browser extension)
Help us build an open hardware repository of useful electronics projects!
The renderings of the PCB files are made using pcb-stackup. You can get similar renderings and also inspect invdividual layers, using the tracespace gerber viewer.
- Join chat or IRC freenode#kitspace
- Post on our Google Groups mailing list
Check out which will guide you through the process.
Currently the kitspace.yaml
makes use of the following fields:
summary: A description for your project
site: A site you would like to link to (include http:// or https://)
color: The solder resist color of the preview rendering. Can be one of:
- green
- red
- blue
- black
- white
- orange
- purple
- yellow
bom: A path to your 1-click-bom in case it isn't `1-click-bom.tsv`.
gerbers: A path to your folder of gerbers in case it isn't `gerbers/`.
Paths should be in UNIX style (i.e. use /
not \
) and relative to the root
of your repository. The YAML format is pretty straight forward but if you need
to know more check the example below and the YAML website. Use this YAML
validator to be extra sure that your kitspace.yaml
is valid.
Check out the repo links of the projects listed on already. The minimum required file tree is something like :
├── 1-click-bom.tsv
└── gerbers
├── example.cmp
├── example.drd
├── example.dri
├── example.gko
├── example.gpi
├── example.gto
├── example.plc
├── example.sol
└── example.sts
A more advanced example could be something like:
├── kitspace.yaml
└── manufacture
├── advanced-example-BOM.tsv
└── gerbers-and-drills
├── advanced-example-B_Adhes.gba
├── advanced-example-B_CrtYd.gbr
├── advanced-example-B_Cu.gbl
├── advanced-example-B_Fab.gbr
├── advanced-example-B_Mask.gbs
├── advanced-example-B_Paste.gbp
├── advanced-example-B_SilkS.gbo
├── advanced-example.drl
├── advanced-example-Edge_Cuts.gbr
├── advanced-example-F_Adhes.gta
├── advanced-example-F_CrtYd.gbr
├── advanced-example-F_Cu.gtl
├── advanced-example-F_Fab.gbr
├── advanced-example-F_Mask.gts
├── advanced-example-F_Paste.gtp
└── advanced-example-F_SilkS.gto
with kitspace.yaml
summary: A more advanced example
color: red
bom: manufacture/advanced-example-BOM.tsv
gerbers: manufacture/gerbers-and-drills
This repository is the Kitspace front-end. The contents including all project
data are currently pre-compiled into a static site. The main part of the site
that requires server side components is the submission preview (/submit
). Pages also use freegeoip lookup to decide what sites to link to for people that do not have the 1-click BOM browser extension. This roughly illustrates the main data flow when someone is browsing the site.
We have two services running for the submission preview.
- git-clone-server for serving up files from git repositories.
- partinfo for getting part information for the BOM.
And one for the geo ip lookup on pages.
We are using GitLab as an authentication and Git hosting service. We modify and proxy it to get the functionality we need. The graphs get too complicated if we try to add all the possible data-flows but here is the rough data-flow for submission of a project.
Services used are:
- nginx-config to configure Nginx to serve the frontend and all services.
- partinfo for getting part information for BOMs.
- gitlab-config configuring GitLab to be used for authentication and Git hosting.
- gitlab-proxy for requests that need to access GitLab API but need any kind of added functionality like unauthenticated access or modifying projects (which needs additional hooks to trigger processing).
- GitLab and Accounts
- Modify GitLab and integrate with login in Kitspace frontend
- Build frontend for basic account settings
- Make GitLab source of user projects
- Upload submissions and editing
- Allow for file upload to GitLab
- Gerber plotter processing for KiCAD and Eagle
- BOM extraction processing
- BOM Builder
- Get retailer info out of partinfo
- Nodejs >= 6
- fswatch on OSX/Windows or inotify-tools on Linux
- Ninja Build >= 1.5.1
- The rest of the dependencies can be retrieved via
npm install
- Get requirements above and make sure executables are on your path
npm install
(oryarn install
)npm start
(oryarn start
)- Point your browser at
. The script should watch for file-saves and re-build when you change a source file.
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.
Thank you to all our backers! 🙏 [Become a backer]
Support this project by becoming a sponsor. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [Become a sponsor]