Developed with ease-of-use in mind, this library provides a simple means for importing, modifying, and exporting DMI files. Internally, images are handled using ImageSharp, a fantastic open-source library from SixLabors.
Install the current stable release from Nuget.
Important things to note:
- Always dispose DMIFile / DMIState objects. They use unmanaged memory for their sprites.
Ingesting a DMI file from a path:
using var file = new DMIFile("test.dmi")
// do cool things
Ingesting a DMI file from a stream:
// Getting a memory stream from a database with the DMI file's data in the response
using var dmiData = database.GetFile("test.dmi")
using var file = new DMIFile(dmiData)
// do more cool things
Sorting a DMI file's states alphabetically, and saving the resulting DMI file:
using var file = new DMIFile("unsorted_states.dmi")
Sorting a DMI file's states using a provided comparer, and saving the resulting DMI file to a memory stream:
using var stream = new MemoryStream()
using var file = new DMIFile("unsorted_states.dmi")
file.SortStates(new CoolCustomComparer());
Creating a new DMI file with 32x32 pixel states, and creating 3 states from 3 source images:
using var newDMI = new DMIFile(32, 32)
var sourceData = new List<string>() { "sord", "sordvert", "steve32" };
foreach (var source in sourceData)
var img = Image.Load<Rgba32>($@"Data/Input/SourceImages/{source}.png");
var newState = new DMIState(source, DirectionDepth.One, 1, 32, 32);
newState.SetFrame(img, 0);
Creating a new DMI file with 32x32 pixel states, creating a state, and then modifying that state's frame and direction depth:
using var newDMI = new DMIFile(32, 32)
// Create state
var img = Image.Load<Rgba32>($@"Data/Input/SourceImages/steve32.png");
var newState = new DMIState("steve32", DirectionDepth.One, 1, 32, 32);
newState.SetFrame(img, 0);
// Modifying state
// At this point you would add the new frames for each direction, otherwise
// you cannot save the file.
// Saving
Feel free to contact me on Discord at bobbahbrown#0001
with any questions or concerns. Additionally, I can be found in the /tg/station discord server.