Full Stack Project : VideoStore Application
101195651 Anushka Aggarwal
100989430 Karthik Shankar Prasad
101195883 Karanjot Singh
The backend is running on port 3000.
The front end is running on port 4200.
To install node modules: Run 'npm install' on the terminal.
To start the backend: Run 'node server' on the terminal.
To start the front end: Run 'ng build' and then 'ng serve' on separate terminal.
To view the data from MongoDB : Enter url 'http://localhost:3000/api/videos' in browser or Postman.
But CRUD operations can be checked on Postman.
To view the the angular application with mock data : Enter url 'http://localhost:4200' in the browser.
Login Username: admin
Login Password: admin123
Hello! In this Application, front end could not be linked to the database as there
was a error and access denied whenever we tried to make a call for the database. We tried many methods including
using a proxy but that didn't work either.
However, it can be tested using Postman to perform all CRUD operations on the actual database.
The Front end is made up using Angular,HTML,CSS,Bootstrap and contains mock up data for the purpose of demonstration.
Both zipped and unzipped versions have been included in this repository.