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Legal Disclaimer

This project is not affiliated with, endorsed, or sponsored by Nintendo, Game Freak, or The Pokémon Company. All Pokémon games and characters are trademarks of Nintendo, Game Freak, and The Pokémon Company. This project is intended for educational and research purposes only.

All usage of The Pokemon Company International's games is done with the understanding that software is legally obtained and that the user has the right to use it. This project does not provide any ROMs or copyrighted materials.


PoliwhiRL is a Reinforcement Learning library designed for sprite-based 2-D Pokémon games. It provides a framework for experimenting with different RL algorithms to interact with Pokémon games in an emulated environment. The current focus is on a Transformer-based DQN model.


PoliwhiRL uses a modular configuration system that allows for easy customization of various parameters. The configuration is split into several JSON files, each focusing on a specific aspect of the system. Users can override these defaults by providing their own configuration files or using command-line arguments.

Core Settings

These settings define the basic parameters for the model and environment.

Variable Description
model The type of model to use (e.g., "PPO")
erase Whether to erase previous data (true/false)
device The device to run the model on (e.g., "mps", "cuda", "cpu")
scaling_factor Factor to scale down the input images
use_grayscale Whether to convert input images to grayscale
vision Whether to use visual input or not
sequence_length Number of sequential steps to consider
record Whether to record the training process
verbose Whether to print detailed logs
manual_control Whether to allow manual control
load_checkpoint Path to load a checkpoint from
load_checkpoint_num Number of the checkpoint to load

ROM Settings

These settings specify the paths to the ROM and related files.

Variable Description
rom_path Path to the Pokemon ROM file
state_path Path to the initial game state file
extra_files List of additional files needed for the emulator

Reward Settings

These settings define the goals and rewards for the agent.

Variable Description
location_goals List of location-based goals for the agent
pokedex_goals Goals related to the Pokedex completion
N_goals_target Number of goals to target
break_on_goal Whether to end the episode upon reaching a goal
punish_steps Whether to apply a penalty for each step taken

PPO Settings

These settings are specific to the PPO (Proximal Policy Optimization) algorithm.

Variable Description
ppo_gamma Discount factor for future rewards
ppo_learning_rate Learning rate for the PPO algorithm
ppo_epochs Number of epochs to train on each batch of data
ppo_update_frequency How often to update the policy
ppo_epsilon Clipping parameter for PPO
ppo_value_loss_coef Coefficient for the value function loss
ppo_entropy_coef Coefficient for the entropy term
ppo_entropy_coef_decay Decay rate for the entropy coefficient
ppo_entropy_coef_min Minimum value for the entropy coefficient
ppo_extrinsic_reward_weight Weight for extrinsic rewards
ppo_intrinsic_reward_weight Weight for intrinsic rewards

Output Settings

These settings define where various outputs and checkpoints are saved.

Variable Description
output_base_dir Base directory for all output files
checkpoint Directory to save model checkpoints
results_dir Directory to save training results
db_path Path to the database file
record_path Directory to save recorded runs
explore_db_loc Path to the exploration database
export_state_loc Directory to export training states
continue_from_state_loc Path to a state file to continue training from

ICM Settings

These settings are for the Intrinsic Curiosity Module (ICM).

Variable Description
icm_learning_rate Learning rate for the ICM
icm_loss_scale Scaling factor for the ICM loss
icm_curiosity_weight Weight for the curiosity-driven exploration

Episode Settings

These settings define parameters for each training episode.

Variable Description
episode_length Maximum length of each episode
use_curriculum Whether to use curriculum learning
num_episodes Total number of episodes to run
early_stopping_avg_length Average length for early stopping
record_frequency How often to record episodes
ignored_buttons List of buttons to ignore in the action space

To use a custom configuration, you can either modify these JSON files directly or override specific settings using command-line arguments. For example:

python --model PPO --device cuda --num_episodes 1000

This command would use the PPO model, run on a CUDA-enabled GPU, and train for 1000 episodes, overriding the default values in the configuration files.

Command-Line Usage

The main script supports several modes of operation:

  1. DQN Training: python --model DQN
  2. Memory Exploration: python --model explore
  3. Reward System Evaluation: python --model evaluate

You can override any configuration parameter using command-line arguments. For example:

python --model DQN --device cuda --num_episodes 1000


DQN (Current Focus)

The current implementation uses a Transformer-based DQN model. This model is designed to capture long-term dependencies in the game state, which is crucial for playing Pokémon effectively. The model processes sequences of game states and uses self-attention mechanisms to identify important patterns over time.

Key features of the DQN model:

  • Transformer architecture for processing sequential data
  • Convolutional layers for processing visual input
  • Prioritized Experience Replay for efficient learning
  • Double DQN technique to reduce overestimation bias


The project includes a Memory2Image folder containing models to convert RAM data to images when trained. This can be useful for visualizing the internal state of the game and potentially improving the model's understanding of the game state.

Reward System

The reward system is crucial for guiding the agent's learning process. More detailed documentation about the rewards system can be found in the "Rewards Documents" folder.

The current reward system includes:

  • Goal-based rewards for reaching specific locations
  • Exploration rewards for visiting new tiles
  • Pokédex-based rewards for seeing and catching new Pokémon
  • Step penalties to encourage efficiency
  • Episode termination penalties

The reward calculation takes into account:

  • Progress towards location-based goals
  • Exploration of new areas (with a decay factor)
  • Pokédex completion
  • Efficient movement and action selection


The library dependencies are specified in requirements.txt, including PyTorch, NumPy, Matplotlib, and others necessary for running the models and processing the game environment.

Future Work

  • Extend support for other sprite-based 2-D Pokémon games
  • Implement and compare performance with other RL algorithms
  • Enhance the reward system based on more complex game objectives
  • Improve the Memory2Image models for better state representation

For more details on the implementation and usage, refer to the PoliwhiRL GitHub repository


For more details on the implementation and the results, refer to the PoliwhiRL paper.

Training Flow

The following diagram illustrates the training flow and the key components of the DQN model:

graph TD
    A[Start Episode] --> B[Reset Environment]
    B --> C[Get Initial State]
    C --> D[Agent Selects Action]
    D --> E[Environment Step]
    E --> F[Store Experience in Replay Buffer]
    F --> G{Episode End?}
    G -->|No| D
    G -->|Yes| H[Sample Batch from Replay Buffer]
    H --> I[Calculate Q-values and Target Q-values]
    I --> J[Compute Loss]
    J --> K[Backpropagate and Update Model]
    K --> L[Update Replay Buffer Priorities]
    L --> M[Decay Epsilon]
    M --> N{Target Update Interval?}
    N -->|Yes| O[Update Target Network]
    N -->|No| P[Next Episode]
    O --> P
    P --> Q{Training Complete?}
    Q -->|No| A
    Q -->|Yes| R[End Training]

    subgraph "Every Step"

    subgraph "Every Episode"

Model Architecture:

graph TD
    A[Input: Sequence of Game States] --> B[Reshape: batch_size * seq_len, channels, height, width]
    B --> C[Conv1: 16 filters, 8x8 kernel, stride 4]
    C --> D[ReLU]
    D --> E[Conv2: 32 filters, 4x4 kernel, stride 2]
    E --> F[ReLU]
    F --> G[Flatten]
    G --> H[Linear Projection to d_model dimensions]
    H --> I[Reshape: batch_size, seq_len, d_model]
    I --> J[Add Positional Encoding]
    J --> K[Transformer Encoder Layer 1]
    K --> L[Transformer Encoder Layer 2]
    L --> M[Output Linear Layer]
    M --> N[Q-values for each action]

    subgraph "Convolutional Layers"

    subgraph "Transformer Layers"

    style A fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style N fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px


This project is licensed under the MIT License. For more details, refer to the LICENSE file.


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