A utility for comparing visual similarity of images!
I just used NetBeans to build it. The Main class can be run from the command line as shown in this readme.
Compare, hash, or test (TODO)
>java -cp "lib/*;build/classes" Main --help
usage: ic [-h] {compare,hash,test} ...
Calculate the amount of visual similarity between two or more images.
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Compare two or more images, or a reference hash to one or more images. Calculates and prints the hashes and multi-resolution similarity between reference and specified images.
>java -cp "lib/*;build/classes" Main compare --help
usage: ic compare [-h] [-d DEGREE] (-R REFERENCE_HASH | -r REFERENCE)
image [image ...]
positional arguments:
image Image files to compare to reference.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d DEGREE, --degree DEGREE
Sets the degree of the hash (number of
subdivisions, resolution count)
Supply the reference hash rather than calculating
Reference image file.
>java -cp "lib/*;build/classes" Main compare -r resources/buns1.png resources/buns2.png
Reference: YnF7fpOwYmdrQktPa4CYfo6jY2RmRUpJco2pY3ODRk1VIiotYXSCb3uELztCSVde
Image 0: YHR6fpOwYmdrQktPa4CYfo6jY2RmRUpJco2pY3ODRk1VIiotYXSCb3uELztCSVde
Similarity: 99.96%
>java -cp "lib/*;build/classes" Main compare -r resources/banana1.jpg resources/banana2.jpg
Reference: psTNa4eWbYCKepWmlKq0MUNQKTxIhaiycHqmHjBAOk5cipa2PUGfV1G5Pj+fNDeE
Image 0: sc7VaYWUh5qjfZmqepWeM0ZULEFPkLK8X2uBHy87N0pYk6S0SlOkQEeNSVKWUVWl
Similarity: 86.23%
>java -cp "lib/*;build/classes" Main compare -r resources/buns1.png resources/banana1.jpg
Reference: YnF7fpOwYmdrQktPa4CYfo6jY2RmRUpJco2pY3ODRk1VIiotYXSCb3uELztCSVde
Image 0: psTNa4eWbYCKepWmlKq0MUNQKTxIhaiycHqmHjBAOk5cipa2PUGfV1G5Pj+fNDeE
Similarity: 56.93%
Calculate and print the color hash of an image, encoded in base 64.
>java -cp "lib/*;build/classes" Main hash --help
usage: ic hash [-h] [-d DEGREE] image
positional arguments:
image Image file to hash.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d DEGREE, --degree DEGREE
Sets the degree of the hash (number of
subdivisions, resolution count)
>java -cp "lib/*;build/classes" Main hash resources/buns1.png
>java -cp "lib/*;build/classes" Main hash resources/banana1.jpg
Developed by Vincent Brubaker Gianakos
Moral support from Eang and Ty ☺