Tags: Apollo3zehn/PureHDF
### Breaking changes - Version 2 of PureHDF drops support for old frameworks and supports [active frameworks](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/platform/support/policy/dotnet-core) only which are .NET 6 and .NET 8 at the time of this release. Bug fixes will be backported to version 1 as well as features (upon request and if feasible).
### Features - The documentation has been improved. ### Performance - Read performance of chunked datasets encoded with the extensible array index as well as the btree2 index has been improved. ### Breaking changes - To solve a problem with ambiguity, the signature of the `NativeDataset.Read(...)` overloads has been changed to make the provision of the `datasetAccess` parameter mandatory.
### Features - Added soft link support ### Performance - The lookup performance of chunks in the chunk cache has been improved. - Read performance of chunked datasets encoded with the fixed array index has been improved.
- Read performance of multidimensional, contiguous, compact or single… …-chunked datasets has been dramatically improved by adding special case handling which allows bulk copying of data if the whole dataset is to be read (no slicing).
- Read performance of chunked datasets in the old version 1 B-tree fo… …rmat has been dramatically improved by adding a cache to avoid repeated deserialisation of in-file structures.