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A gridstack component for Angular2+. Based on gridstack.js 0.3.0.




NPM version

$ npm install ng2-gridstack --save

Basic Usage

Import the module...

import { GridStackModule } from 'ng2-gridstack'

    imports: [
    declarations: [
    providers: [
export class YourModule { }

and load gridstack's css. Example using the global css file from AngularCLI

/* You can add global styles to this file, and also import other style files */
@import "~gridstack/dist/gridstack.min.css";

ng2-gridstack can be used in two ways, either by letting the component add the items for you, or by building your own items.

First mode

<gridStack w="12" animate="true" 
	buttonClass="btn btn-default" 
	[addButtonText]="'Add card'"
	[saveButtonText]="'Save panel'"
	[deleteButtonText]="'Delete panel'"
	[deleteCardButtonText]="'Delete card'">

Second mode

<gridStack w="12" animate="true">
	<div gridStackItem
		[x]="0" [y]="0" [h]="3" [w]="3" [customid]="10">


  • w : number of items that can fit in a row.

  • animate : grid animation on/off.

  • options (optional) : an associative array of gridstack options.

  • allowEditing : allow the edition of items on double click (false by default).

  • items (optional) : an array of objects that have the following properties.

    • x
    • y
    • width
    • height
    • customid
    • content (optional)
  • addButtonText (optional) : If present, will display a button that triggers addFunction.

  • saveButtonText (optional) : If present, will display a button that triggers saveFunction.

  • deleteButtonText (optional) : If present, will display a button that triggers deleteFunction.

  • deleteCardButtonText (optional) : If present, will display a button that triggers deleteCardFunc.

  • addFunction (optional) : this function should add a new item to the array passed in the items parameter.

  • saveFunction (optional) : calls the specified function with the updated array of items as parameter, so that you can save it.

  • deleteFunction (optional) : function to call when deleting the whole panel.

  • deleteCardFunc (optional) : function to call when a card is deleted (its customid is passed as a parameter).