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【Video Text Detection】Feng, Wei, Cheng-lin Liu et al. Semantic-Aware Video Text Detection, CVPR 2021.
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【TextBoxes】 Minghui Liao, Baoguang Shi, Xiang Bai, Xinggang Wang, Wenyu Liu. TextBoxes: A Fast Text Detector with a Single Deep Neural Network
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code:【1 - offical】; 【2 - crnn.pytorch】; 【3 - unfinished】; 【4 - crnn.pytorch-chinese】; 【5 - crnn+stn-tf】; 【6 - lstm+ctc】; 【7 - ctpn+crnn-merge-cannot-train】; 【8 - crnn-mnist-keras】; 【9 - crnn-tf】; 【10 - crnn-tf-could-be-better】; 【11 - crnn.mxnet】; 【12 - crnn-tf-estimators】; 【13 - crnn-attention-tf】; 【14 - crnn.caffe】; 【15 - chinese.ocr-ctpn+crnn-tf+pytorch】; 【16 - another.crnn-attentive pooling】; 【17 - crnn-tf-music】; 【18 - crnn-tf-developing】; 【19 - crnn-torch】; 【20 - crnn-tf-developing】; 【21 - chinese-ocr-keras】; 【22 - crnn-tf-developing】; 【23 - ctpn+crnn-cannot-train-7】; 【24 - crnn-pytorch】; 【25 - cnn+lstm+ctc-tf】; 【26 - crnn-tf-resnet]】;【27 - caffe_ocr】
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there are three websites that have the dataset list of some different data type:
1 - www.iapr-tc11.org
2 - tc11.cvc.uab.es
3 - rrc.cvc.uab.es
2017 COCO-Text
2017 DeTEXT
2017 DOST
2017 FSNS
2017 MLT
2017 IEHHR
2011-2015 Born-DIgitalImage
2013-2015 Focused Scene Text
2013-2015 Text in Videos
2015 Incidental Scene Text
ICDAR Chinese
- more than 12,000 images. Most of the images are collected in the wild by phone cameras.
- Task: Chinese Text in the Wild.
- 32,285 high resolution images, 1,018,402 character instances, 3,850 character categories, 6 kinds of attributes
- 1555 images,11459 text instances, includes curved tex
- FORU contains two parts, which are Chinese2k and English2k dataset, respectively.
SynthText in the Wild Dataset
- 800 thousand images, 8 million synthetic word instances.
- Each text instance is annotated with its text-string, word-level and character-level bounding-boxes.
COCO-Text (Computer Vision Group, Cornell)
- 63,686 images, 173,589 text instances, 3 fine-grained text attributes.
- Task: text location and recognition
- 1000 (500 for training and 500 for testing) street view (patch) images from 6 USA cities
Synthetic Word Dataset (Oxford, VGG)
- 9 million images covering 90k English words
- Task: text recognition, segmantation
IIIT 5K-Words
- 5000 images from Scene Texts and born-digital (2k training and 3k testing images)
- Each image is a cropped word image of scene text with case-insensitive labels
- Task: text recognition
StanfordSynth(Stanford, AI Group)
- Small single-character images of 62 characters (0-9, a-z, A-Z)
- Task: text recognition
MSRA Text Detection 500 Database (MSRA-TD500)
- 500 natural images(resolutions of the images vary from 1296x864 to 1920x1280)
- Chinese, English or mixture of both
- Task: text detection
- cannot find the downloadlink
Traffice Guide Panel Text Dataset,TGPT
- 3841 high-resolution individual images, 2315 containing traffic guide panel level annotations (1911 for training and 404 for testing, and all the testing images are manually labeled with ground truth tight text region bounding boxes), 1526 containing no traffic signs}.
- 350 high resolution images (average size 1260 × 860) (100 images for training and 250 images for testing)
- Only word level bounding boxes are provided with case-insensitive labels
- Task: text location
KAIST Scene_Text Database
- 3000 images of indoor and outdoor scenes containing text
- Korean, English (Number), and Mixed (Korean + English + Number)
- Task: text location, segmantation and recognition
- Over 74K images from natural images, as well as a set of synthetically generated characters
- Small single-character images of 62 characters (0-9, a-z, A-Z)
- Task: text recognition
ICDAR Benchmark Datasets
Dataset | Discription | Competition Paper |
ICDAR 2015 | 1000 training images and 500 testing images | paper |
ICDAR 2013 | 229 training images and 233 testing images | paper |
ICDAR 2011 | 229 training images and 255 testing images | paper |
ICDAR 2005 | 1001 training images and 489 testing images | paper |
ICDAR 2003 | 181 training images and 251 testing images(word level and character level) | paper |