Sharp Tinder is a basic client framework for the very popular tinder dating app.
The API still works (March 2018) but it could be changed by tinder.
Currently supported are following api methods:
- Login - login to tinder
- GetUpdates - get chat updates
- GetRecommendations - get new recommendations
- Rate - rate a user
- Superlike
- Like
- Pass
- SendMessage - send a message to a user
- GetUser - get all information about a user
- UpdatePosition - update your own position
The login works over oauth and the new facebook graph api 2.6. So it is a bit tricky in the beginning.
- You have to get your facebook user id!
- Follow this link and check the network traffic. After connecting tinder with your account, there should be a message response (from, which contains the access token!
Then it is easy, just use the fbid and access token with this method:
client.Login(userId, accessToken);
To get new chat updates simply call this method:
var res = await client.GetUpdates(new DateTime(2000, 01, 01));
foreach (var m in res.Matches)
if (m.Person != null)
Console.WriteLine($"{m.Person.Name} ({m.Id}) - {2016 - m.Person.BirthDate.Year}");
If you want to use this is a Net Standard or Net Core application, use the corresponding SharpTinderCore
and SharpTinderCoreExample
Sharp Tinder was just a proof of concept written in August 2016